Vintage Trading Cards of Lulz

Jun 13, 2009 02:07

First post, frequent commenter, yada yada.

Just got back from seeing Star Trek in IMAX! We went to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum's giant hangar out by Dulles Airport. It was cool to watch the movie knowing the Space Shuttle Enterprise was in the next room over XD

But anyway! I am delurking to share with you GQMFs something awesome of my mother's. Because my mom is such a badass, back in the Mesozoic 1968 or whatever when she was like 11 or 12 she didn't spend her allowance on some weak-ass shit like toys or dollies or something, she blew it all on some nasty-ass bubblegum. Why, you may ask? Because this gum came with Star Trek trading cards, of course! That's right, my mom was a hardcore GQMF before a lot of us were even born.

She's held on to her bubblegum trading cards all these years, so I decided I'd scan 'em and share 'em with future generations, AKA you all.

The unfortunate hilarious thing is that the people who wrote the blurbs on the backs of the cards had evidently only seen a handful of Star Trek episodes, and so decided to fill in the gaps in their knowledge by the tried-and-true method of Making Shit Up.

I hope these aren't too big. Please don't die on me, Photobucket account!

Watch it, Kirk. Janice'll cut a bitch.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd pay cash money to see an episode where this happened. "Spock's Brain" has got nothing on this.

...if you know what I mean ;)

And for your patience and general awesomeness I give an offering of my crappy first macro:

EDIT: So, some people seem to want to use these for fic prompts or contests or something. Go for it! XD All I request is that you don't hotlink the pictures and murder my photobucket account's bandwidth. Either link back to this post or host the images yourselves, please ♥ I'm sure you were all going to do that anyway, just wanted to make sure ^^;

Also if you do write fic I would love you forever if you sent me a link to it~ 8D I'd love to read them!

As for what the cards are worth: stablercake is made of awesomesauce and linked me to a site discussing the card set. After some googling I found a record of a nearly-complete set of these still in the box going for over $3,000. Ebay, however, lists the individual cards as between $10 and $15 apiece, though there doesn't seem to be anyone selling the really lulzy ones right now, so maybe there's a higher demand for them XD We can dream, anyway. ((6/23 - Except I just checked again today and there were some auctions going for over $100 for a single card. WHAT??))

tos, other misc old trekkie shit

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