Article on the creepy psychologist Zagainov...

Jul 08, 2010 12:25

 .. who worked with Ygudin.
It was written by famous in Russia  sports journalist Yelena Vaytsekhovskaya (actuall she's the only Russian/Soviet Olympic champion diver - ). She writes a lot about figure skating, interviewed athe majority of Russian figure skaters and coaches and a lot of foreign.
In her article Zgainov comes out even more creepier than usual, but it was an interesting read, so I decided to share. Sorry it's not properly translated but it 's Google translate as usual. I've tried to edit the part on Yagudin though (it's in italics).

28 June: otherwise ordinary event happened . At the head table center of  sports training teams of Russia Nikolai Parkhomenko has signed a statement by the most famous in sporting circles psychologist Rudolf Zagaynova: "Please provide me with regular leave, followed by dismissal." The statement was signed immediately, since it was preceded by a terrible tragedyt: the previous night in  Zagaynova's apartment his protegee, European champion Yulia Arustamova hanged herself.The psychologist  was the main witness in the case.

A huge number of respondents I interviewed, among whom there were outstanding coaches, managers, psychologists and doctors, converged on one point: for a specialist with that name a precedent was  almost the career'send .

If  Zagainov was an  ordinary man, he probably could even get some  sympathy. But in this situation it is difficult to sympathize. Only one question comes to mind : how could it happen to  a psychologist with a huge practice, how could  he let the situation out of their control - to allow the patient to make this step.

Parkhomenko confirmed that Zagainov worked with an athlete quite officially - was paid to do so. In this last 9 months Arustamova lived in his apartment. According to her coach Gary Gevorkov, the relationship between the cyclist and a psychologist were close. Moreover, the athlete did not hide his connection to either her parents or from her  friends. However, the coach, and the heads of cycling federation had to close their eyes on the fact that 67-year-old lives with his 24-year-old ward. All conversations on this topic have been by Yulia herself.

Colleague of  Zagaynova Gennady Gorbunov, who has been   working for many years  in sports of higher achievements, made this point very clearly:

- It has long been known that women tend  to fall very quickly and deeply in love with  those who hypnotizes them. That is why in all countries   rules categorically prohibit therapists to start sexual relationships with patients.

Another well-known specialist, an official member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League Elena Deryabina (before the Olympic Games, she worked with Russian figure skaters Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin) expressed her opinion differently.

- It makes little sense now to talk about what happened in terms of ethics. If the relationship happens, it is relations between men and women, not a doctor and patient. Another thing is that the vast majority of athletes at 24 in fact continue to be children, not having any real-life experience. The development is too inhibited  by endless loads of training and sports  life. But a person comes to a decision to end  the life  , as a rule, comes when you can't accept the situation when you do not see any other way to cope with the problems. Or are too afraid of them.


The paradoxical thing: for all untwisted behalf Zagaynova in sports, he still remains for many as an absolutely mysterious character. None of the search engines does not give even a biography of a specialist, not to mention the scientific literature. But with interest - memoirs and transfers of star names - those with whom the psychologist has worked in sports for over 35-year career. All those who have to cross at least briefly, without hesitation Zagainov down at his own expense: 38 world champions, 19 Olympic champions. He generously shared in all sorts of interview details of their work, carefully maintaining the illusion of counterparts in their own omnipotence, and it is readily believable. Not by chance after a few centuries ago, was born popular expression: Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. "The world wants to be deceived. Let him deceive!"

Although Zagaynova career began not so smooth. Even in Soviet times, when considered as parapsychology pseudoscience and officially remained to be outside the law, a research institute of Normal Physiology Anokhin USSR Academy of Sciences was established laboratory homeostasis, which oversaw the military-industrial department of the CPSU Central Committee and has been actively collaborating for many leading scientific institutions of the country. Supervised laboratory distinguished professor, MD Arthemy Medelyanovsky. Through his seminars at various times were people like Jung Kashpirovsky, many other individual, who later became nationally-known psychics. Come and Zagainov. However, after a series of tests Medelyanovsky gave listener response: "The ability to parapsychology low." And never attracted novice psychologist to his experiments. Great magician (as for the eyes styled Medelyanovskogo students) was characteristic of a very clear understanding of the people, but mostly guided by their inner feelings: divide the psychics to "white" and "black". Beginner he did not hesitate ranked second category than it seems, paid to an irreparable moral trauma. Awakened truly black envy of more successful colleagues, and simultaneously a desire in any way in any cost to become the most-most.

Those who studied with Zagaynov  in St. Petersburg, postgraduate institute behalf Lesgaft, spoke of his character is not the most flattering way. I was told that the eyes are starting psychologist defied even those who had a good relationship. That is what has caused that to some of the practical conferences one of the speakers began his report saying: "I can not understand: why, to raise their own self-esteem, it is essential to humiliate their peers?"

The first truly Zagaynova finest hour was his work with Viktor Korchnoi in 1974. The grandmaster, who in those times was considered a dissident, had to play in Moscow, a match for the world title from Anatoly Karpov, who is then worked almost all the chess masters of the country. Korchnoi lost, but with a minimal difference. At the same time an outstanding chess expert Mikhail Botvinnik has publicly declared that the match was the most impressive in the entire career Korchnoi. Zagainov same overnight gained a reputation as someone who can make the ward to show maximum of their abilities in a hopeless situation. One psychologist told me that success was greatly facilitated and the fact that he himself had long felt like an outcast. Therefore, and worked without sparing neither time nor energy.

Later, to help Zagaynova resorted Boris Spassky, Karpov himself, Garry Kasparov. A definite plus specialist was the ability to instantly find common ground with people and to seek absolute confidence. It was dissolved in this work entirely. Do not bore only one thing: do not.
Parted with Trust precisely because of this and mostly irrelevant. Not only that revealed each subsequent client all the innermost secrets of the predecessor, including chess, so he took it a rule, finished the next stage of work, provide details of the cooperation with the star in his memoirs.

The first who rebelled truly became Karpov.

- First, Zagainov not even let me know that is going to publish a book - he told me, when I called to clarify the information. - Secondly, there were too many contrived. But the main thing - Zagainov made available to the public very personal things. And much of what my team kept secret. Who knew that he was the night wrote in her diary, not only the content of our conversation with him, but all the conversations that had overheard?

However, officially calling the author to answer Karpov did not. Then it was not accepted. The book is sold with a bang, greatly adding psychologist popularity.

Then there were Sergei Bubka, Yelena Vodorezova, Alexander Fadeev. In the 91-m, when we Zagaynovym met in Moscow, he told me that he worked with Steffi Graf, Boris Becker, Monica Seles, but other than his words, this information is not confirmed anything.

Then, however, my head did not doubt the sincerity of a psychologist. He could be a fantastically charming positioning itself to any and all others. Many knew. He was able to truly customize the powerful athlete to speak, learn to concentrate. And most importantly, great feel, as far as man himself is ready to succumb to its influence.

However, Zagaynovu always been characteristic of much exaggerate their role. Talked, not so long ago Vodorezovoy, which psychologists have repeatedly spoke of his books, as one of the best wards, which has worked closely for four years, I suddenly heard:

- Zagainov did not work with me, and with the entire group of Stanislav Zhuk. He was engaged in some general things: to create mood, he taught the basics of self-regulation. When the group by a man from a trusted athletes, it often becomes a big plus. Are all you can tell the coach. I can not say anything bad about the not so long ago Zagaynova work with my athlete Andrew Peat. Andrew has collected a lot, learned to build his regime, concentrate. However, this work was quite short. After Zagainov without explanation did not come to Gryazev at national championship, he did not want to continue to work with him.

I am also a psychologist was not needed than ever. I think Zagainov perfectly understood it. But at Fadeeva he acted like a boa constrictor in rabbit. Sasha has changed hardly heard his voice on the rink.

- But you wrote that it Zagainov made your return to the sport after the most severe disease?

- Wrote about me and what I gave birth to a child from Beetle. And now that all that believe? ..

In an interview with Zagaynovym 16-year-old me the most memorable words:

- I have increasingly come to believe that the profession of sports psychologist as such does not exist. It is artificial. Spassky once told me: "You must constantly be psychic prostitute." We have to admit that he was right. After all, the task of a psychologist - to supplement an athlete to adjust to it, often sacrificing their self-esteem and mood. And that, you know, pretty easy: to combine the functions of a priest - to be able to hear a confession, a complaint, whining - and at the same time calling for victory

Interviews gave rise to the first crack in our friendship, I thought, relations. After reading it in the newspaper, Zagainov showed significant dissatisfaction. "I wanted to talk about something else, but you managed to impose my own line conversations. I do not like.

What exactly did not like me, the distinguished expert, I understood much later. It was the first phrase of the material: "He is constantly in a halo of glory. The truth - a stranger."


In late 2001, I learned that the famous psychologist began working with Alexei Yagudin. The news is so surprising  that I  was even confused. By my opinion of such a powerful coach, as Tarasova, who trained the skater then, least of all would require specialist treatment of this kind.
I asked about  it  the coach directly. And she gave me  a direct response:

- I do not need a psychologist. But I can not enter into the competition in the men's locker room. So, I can not exclude a situation in which my athlete can be  toldl nasty things  before the start, bring it out of balance. So I invited Zagaynova. He whom you want to say anything can be said. Besides Yagudin - a sportsman, who  you want to keep under control. I already spend  a lot of time with him. He was too tired from this . WI, our  choreographer Nikolai Morozov and Zagaynovym habe been planning   the schedule of each day  very throughoutly. Building  our work in a way to be with Yagudin in different time . But all the talk about what Zagainov able to hypnotize anybody ... Let them talk.

After Yagudin became the Olympic champion in Salt Lake City, many argued that the reason for the defeat of  Evgeni Plushenko was Zagainov. Indirectly, this was indeed so. Alexei Mishin rashly  told his pupil  that   the person who  appeared  along with Tarasova at the side of the rink, has the ability to hypnotize the opponent . It looks like Plushenko seriously believed this . Then the  unconscious fear appeared . And, as a consequence - uncertainty.

At what point Zagainov realized that, with certain knowledge and skills, it would be much nicer to repress the will of his patients, rather than adapt to them and tolerate other people's whims, I do not know. But in working with Yagudin ir manifested on many occasions. The conflict in the group was growing even before the Games.

- At first, I had great pleasure to  communicate with Zagaynov ,  learned much from him, but we always parted in the main, - recalled Tarasova. - He was too eager to patronize Yagudin almost around the clock, to become indispensable for him. I felt that our common task to make it make that  at the time Lesha did not need no one. Neither I, nor Kolya (Morozov - approx. EV), nor Zagainov. To Yagudin to be  a hundred percent sure of himself .

When the games began, to which the skater, in fact, came in a brilliant form, Zagaynov's behavior already looked like a blackmail. The day before the start the psychologist insisted that Morozov had to stay. Otherwise, he said, he never would come to the rink. Tarasova was in shock. According to the rules of the International Skating Union only one sppecialist  , besides the main trainer, is permitted to stay in the foreground during a performance. But hpw comes that as the man who put all of his efforts  in the preparation of an athlete,  has no place?

Morozov had saved the situation himself.He said to  Tarasova: "Let him stand, where he wants. For me it's not the point. I won't be offended.The only thing that matters for me  is to  Leshka to skate everything as good as possible."

Immediately after the victory Yagudin Zagainov gave several interviews in which between one and the same idea: the most impressive Olympic gold - entirely to his credit. Tarasova, they say, only prevented: from her presence in the training Yagudin bacame  too nervous.

It is not surprising that, immediately after the Games the relationships of the  coach and athlete with the psychologist were severed without the least regret.

Olympic epic Zagaynova included more short-term - in a few days - working with hockey players. Management's Olympic team, including head coach of the ice brigade, Vyacheslav Fetisov, for which the question of victory at the Games was at that moment the most urgent in my life, fell for the rumors about the omnipotence of a psychologist.

Failed to achieve victory, but his track record Zagainov without hesitation have written another stellar name. Pavel Bure.


Olympic 2004-the year was related in the biography Zagaynova immediately with two failures. Work with a swimmer Roman Sludnovym and canoeists Maxim Opaleva. The two athletes turned to a psychologist yourself, but soon the coaches sounded the alarm, as felt that Zagainov actively trying to take the role of mentor to him. His collaboration with Sludnovym meant that Roman virtually ceased to communicate with her own mother, who coached his son for many years. In qualifying for championship swimmer's parents sat on the dais, and on a side with a stopwatch went Zagainov. He went as a coach with Sludnovym the Games in Athens.

Roman did not get on their distances in the finals, Opal won bronze, while considered an absolute favorite, and relies solely on gold.

Shortly before the Games Zagainov released another book, packed with details of his work with Yagudin. Including those who rely entirely loved one or doctor. Then I wrote a comment that athletes, as coaches - rather defenseless people. As in any civilized country, even one such publication would be enough to psychologist ever lost his job specialty.

The publication caused a hero undisguised fury.

- Who gave you the right to judge my work? - He shouted, leaping to the squeals and punctuating the word vulgar insults, in front of several dozen people at the right side of the pool "Olympic", where we crossed during the national championship in swimming.

In 2005, Zagainov already worked in Rossport. In various interviews at the time he said:

"I watched over 120 athletes around the world. Basically this is ours, there are speakers there, in foreign countries. And in the Olympic season working with the Russian national team in women's and men's skiing, biathlon and then the turn, then - bobsleigh. Over 36 years I have been knocked from either team. This is - my main achievement "

"After Athens, by a decision of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports created the Institute for Fundamental and Applied Problems of physical culture and sports, while at this institute - Centre of Applied Psychology of Sport, which put in charge of me. My main problem - training of psychologists for the Russian team. Personally, I made a commitment - to provide all 42 teams belonging to the Russian Olympic team, professional sports psychologists already in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing "

By the way, the center referred to by the Zagainov, and talk about which, indeed, were in Rossport, was not created until now.Psychologist repeatedly invited the Research Institute of Physical Education with a request to present to the Scientific Council their views, to make a presentation, but all these proposals, he stubbornly ignored. He continued to hold the office of a private doctor-therapist, not devoting one subtlety in his work.

In Turin, the Olympic Zagainov was officially included in the team - attached to a skating team. But Svetlana Zhurova, became champion there, later told me:

- He is too obsessed with offering its services. The bell, claims that only he knows how to really get results. What he can do anything. In my understanding, if an athlete needs help, he comes to the specialist. But not vice versa. Therefore Zagaynovu I refused immediately.

The same refusal psychologist received from skaters Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky, speakers for Bulgaria. There, in Turin, he tried several times to offer assistance Plushenko and Mishin but it ended up being skater and coach had to officially apply to the leadership of the Olympic team, urging them to protect them from such contacts.

When Zagainov once again appeared in the national team in swimming, I asked the head coach Alexander Klokov, who owned the initiative to invite a team of this particular psychologist.

- I myself know it does not know, first heard the name in Rossport - shrugged coach. - We recommend it. It seems that he has prepared dozens of Champions. The boys still do not complain. Let work

Around the same thing he said to me after the tragic death Arustamova president of the Russian Federation Alexander GUSIATNIKOV cycling.

- The first impression I had was good. We communicated a lot, it is true then Zagainov for some reason, almost stopped talking to me. But I reasoned simply: if someone from the athletes need it, do not interfere. Once I passed the request Zagaynova to send it along with Arustamova to competitions in France, but that the estimate had no money. I refused.

By the way, Arustamova was not the first patient Zagaynova, whos working relationship with a psychologist quickly shifted to the region of personal. It was one  of the good friends of   mine , an athlet , Olympic champion, whose name I , for  obvious reasons, will not   mention, contacted him in   1986 in an extremely heavy for her moment. As a result, she lived with him in a civil marriage for one and a half of year  and  it was very difficult for her to break this bond.

- Imagine, - she said a few years later - when Bubka stopped working with him, but not yet finished his career, Rudic never missed a broadcast of athletics. I sat down in front of TV and every time, when Sergei appeared on the screen, shouting through  the apartment: "Lose!" Lose !!!". And when I decided to leave him, he stole  my mink coat out of the closet.

At the funeral of  Arustamova Zagainov not present. Immediately after the tragedy left the family in St. Petersburg with the intention of never again appear in the capital.

- Honestly, I have signed a statement of Zagaynov with a great pleasure, - said Parkhomenko. - I did not see any sense to keephim . What normal person wants to work with the psychologis after what happened? ..

Also here - : at  Vaytsekhovskaya's web page  there are  some of her articles translated (not this one unfortunately).

cause it's voodoo, alexei whoregudin, plushenko

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