After a week filled with proposals, elections and more, the ISU Congress concluded on Friday, releasing a brief summary of the changes we can expect to be implemented next season.
I don't like the rule of qualifications... Looks like it's going to be hard for the small federations :( (They have to pay the expenses of the skaters who take part in them)
Also passed at the ISU Congress were new ISU Championships qualification guidelines. More information will be posted once it is available.
I don't really know how this will turn out but it doesn't sound entirely positive :/
Immediately after Gorshkov's RFSF election, speculation abounded that Alla Shekhovtseva, an ISU judge -- and wife of Valentin Piseev -- would run for the vacancy. This week she was elected.
Yes, I've read it, I hope Sikh will actually O something about it. Tarasova said that it wan't the wisest decision for Anton to withdraw, because he could do something from the inside if he would get elected.
Is this good or bad that ladies´ spirals and men´s choreo step sequence have no levels? I suppose it gives some room to be creative and not frantically change positions/edges just to receive a higher level? But how to differ really superior step sequences from the mediocre ones in this case?
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Honestly I'm sort of hoping it means CD's for the National level still.
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I don't really know how this will turn out but it doesn't sound entirely positive :/
Immediately after Gorshkov's RFSF election, speculation abounded that Alla Shekhovtseva, an ISU judge -- and wife of Valentin Piseev -- would run for the vacancy. This week she was elected.
( ... )
... btw.. do you see this translation from russian newspapper?
Anton Sikharulidze: “The results of the presidential elections of the Russian figure skating federation can be annulled”
russian source:
Tarasova said that it wan't the wisest decision for Anton to withdraw, because he could do something from the inside if he would get elected.
Return to qualifying rounds… sort of
Also passed at the ISU Congress were new ISU Championships qualification guidelines.
From same place:,10869,4844-128590-19728-18885-308030-3787-4771-layout160-129898-news-item,00.html
"... to be effectively reduce the number of entries at Championships and has also accepted a reduction of the number of skaters in the Free Skating. ( ... )
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