OrangeBro to grace America with his Bro-Voice on the Today Show

Jan 25, 2014 04:45

Evan Lysacek will be in Sochi after all.

No, he won't be defending his gold medal after injuries curtailed his comeback last year. Instead, the Vancouver Olympic champion will be "wearing many hats" in Russia, and he might be more exhausted after these games than he was after competing four years ago.

Lysacek will work as an analyst on NBC's " ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

thebadunkadunk January 25 2014, 09:47:39 UTC
Stop trying to make Evan happen

He's not going to happen


parcferme January 25 2014, 10:20:07 UTC
o rly now

... )


thebadunkadunk January 25 2014, 09:50:48 UTC
Though I had a nightmare the other day that Evan started dating Meryl but dumped her because she got silver in Sochi and then Charlie married Tanith and it was a very confusing dream


haruhiko January 25 2014, 11:12:12 UTC
See I read this shit:

Lysacek will work as an analyst on NBC's "Today Show" for the men's and team figure skating events. He'll be involved with several of his sponsors, such as Citi with the "Every Step Of The Way" program in which he will raise funds for Figure Skating in Harlem, one of his favorite organizations.

Lysacek is aiding Procter and Gamble with its "Thank You Mom" campaign through which his mother "was able to get pampered, which she doesn't get to do too often," for the Vancouver Games. He'll "help out" with social media for Smucker's and will make appearances for Ralph Lauren and Deloitte.

...and all I can think of is Karen's line from Will and Grace where she's all: "Honey... do you know how many things are wrong with that sentence?"


jedinic January 25 2014, 20:34:26 UTC
I'm still all... Did he really, honestly think he had a shot at competing or is that just media spin ?


gruskek January 25 2014, 21:53:25 UTC
Competing and winning are two different things. Had he kept healthy he could have skated and maybe had a decent placement (esp if others lost their shit, bro was known to have pretty good nerves).

But yeah, the media keeps trying to make it sound like he was gonna win... which would have been unlikely.


jedinic January 27 2014, 23:42:45 UTC
You make a good point - nerves of steel could get him through even with just triples.


parcferme January 28 2014, 07:00:45 UTC
he probably also looked at PChan's PCS wins and thought that as the reigning OGM he'd be getting 9.0-9.5's. He saw how well Yuna's PCS held up after years away-ish from competition and probably expects the same for himself (sure Yuna's did, but Caro actually beat her in PCS in the SP at Worlds, and while Yuna's PCS should be top3 any day in the ladies' field, the top of the men's field has had much more change post-Vancouver ( ... )


gruskek January 25 2014, 21:54:41 UTC
Good for you, bro. Keep busy and stay out of trouble.


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