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Comments 14

thebadunkadunk April 26 2011, 15:39:13 UTC
IDC I lahv lahv lahv Caitlin and John.

If ALiona and Robin win gold I will be outwardly cheering but silently crying tears of sadness for my Chinese bbs. I love them both but Pang/Tong are so beautiful it hurts.

Needs more Mao who I secretly hope will win gold or at least medal over Yu-Na because I am still ish bitter about the BOrser fiasco but I'm still excited to see her programs. Also Team Sato always and forever


likeviolins April 26 2011, 17:07:26 UTC
i love y/c too! at first i looked at them and was like, looks like denney/barrett, no thanks, but their actually quite lovely!

i'd be happy if any of k/s, p/t, v/t, or s/s win, but ngl i want s/s most!

i want mao to win, because i'm a huge stan, but also because everyone's writing her off because she wasn't so great in october. mao asada does not back down, okay. she will axel twice just in case you forget.


thebadunkadunk April 26 2011, 17:16:49 UTC
Omg now I want a macro of fierce!Mao with the words "I can axel twice" on top and "I will end you" on the bottom


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its_not_wrong April 26 2011, 15:47:18 UTC
Just here for team Japan, omg.

They are the cutest!!! ◕⌓◕


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likeviolins April 26 2011, 17:08:08 UTC

... )


swingopenup April 26 2011, 19:38:59 UTC
....that picture is so gorgeous *_____*


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likeviolins April 26 2011, 16:58:30 UTC
yay! i want mao and i want her naooooo! it's been too long!


unimagine April 26 2011, 18:50:29 UTC

buhyoo~ Team Japan y so cute. Happy to see some of the pairs and dance teams too. :D


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