Apr 26, 2011 08:17


2011 world pairs champions?

or will it be dat ass?

or emomax and goddess tanya?

or team usa!?? (very likely to happen lololol)

nice arms marvin

lololol why are you skating preliminaries


pretty carron/jones

fab and nat brought to you by the letters f, l, a, w, l, e, s, and s

team japan presser aka where taka judges you hard, daisha needs to shave, and oda looks qt and ~stylish~ sleeve free

usa! usa! usa!

::Skate Canada twit pics::

weaver and poje make beautiful signs &hearts

holy shit, they're in the exact same place but with different signs, i'm shitting bricks.

team ktm/dylan moscovitch

team triple lutz!!!

needs more miki, mao, flovier, alissa, caro, etc etc etc

Sources: Universal Sports and SC's Twitter

chairman mao asada, oda!, dancing on ice is satan, i am the japanese cher & you can eat it, + worlds 2011, i don't even know what a dornbush is, taka-chan doesn't believe in sparkles, #pictures, dai-sha fierce, go team japan power rangers, ~~beautiful canadian brave soul~~, i don't even know what a pairs skate is

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