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Comments 25

wikilobbying August 15 2012, 04:51:37 UTC
so they overlooked a handgun but not a small amount of weed after two searches? sure thing.

considering where you'd have to keep a small handgun in order to still reach it while handcuffed behind your back, it seems to me like you'd have to do a super lazy ass search in order to not find it. twice. again, and yet they could find a small amount of weed on him.


beoweasel August 15 2012, 05:28:02 UTC
I was talking to my father about this and he pointed out something that I don't think anybody here is considering.

If the two officers did shoot him, why would they do so in a manner that would look suspiciously like foul play? Why wouldn't they just uncuff him and claim he was resisting arrest?

For that matter, why would they shoot him at all? He was handcuffed and in the back seat of the patrol car. I know we at ONTD like to believe that all police officers are inherently malicious, but why on earth would they shoot him for? What logic is there to that? What, because they're so racist they're suddenly they're overcome with this desire to murder a black kid that they've already arrested? What does killing the kid get them beyond numerous inquiries, media infamy, and a shit ton of paper work?

Not only are you saying that two cops involved are incredibly evil, but incredibly stupid too.

I'm betting it was an accident of some sort and the police and the department are just trying to cover their asses.


wikilobbying August 15 2012, 05:44:00 UTC
police have shot young people of color, even when they have been already handcuffed, for no apparent reason other than that the victims are young people of color and they as police officers have access to gross abuse of power that enables vile violent racism before. and have gotten away with it, even when the circumstances were suspicious as fuck when they've excused it. like, why would they all the sudden stop their long-held love affair with murdering innocent people of color just because they can?

i mean really now.

and yeah, police officers can be simultaneously very evil and incredibly stupid. i've met enough of them through my dad's work to know.


poetic_pixie_13 August 15 2012, 06:16:39 UTC
police officers can be simultaneously very evil and incredibly stupid

In Toronto I've met more than a few, and generally we don't have the disgusting history of cops killing kids of colour that many PDs in the States do. (Not saying that it doesn't happen, but our cops tend to act differently.)

I can't imagine having to deal with cops in a lot of American cities. I'd either get into way too much trouble because of my lack of self-preservation or, more likely, just learned to develop some in order to survive.


beoweasel August 15 2012, 06:34:36 UTC
Except even if they were malicious, why would they murder the kid? They're already sending him to jail, killing him would just mean inquiries and paper work, and police hate paperwork. And again, if they did outright murder him, why didn't they do a better job of staging it as a suicide or making it look like he resisted?

And yeah, I know lots of police officers too, my father is one. Some are very bad.

Now, I'm not saying that there's never been a case where police officers have murdered innocent POCs, because they have. But simply saying, "Oh, they did it on a whim because they knew they could get away with it!" is a poor argument to make. Generally when people do things like this, they have an actual motive or reason, not simply, "Because they can" that's comic-book villain logic.


poetic_pixie_13 August 15 2012, 06:20:22 UTC



Fuck the police, fuck a system that lacks any kind of checks and balances system and fuck this racist fucking society that never gives a shit when young men of colour are gunned down by police. Only thing I can say right now that won't lead to breaking things in anger and wanting to sob in a corner.


tabaqui August 15 2012, 12:33:34 UTC
I can't even bring myself to watch this farce of a video. Just - no. Fucking no. Utter and complete bullshite.

Fuck those cops, and that entire department.


moonbrightnites August 15 2012, 14:57:58 UTC
When questioned by CNN’s Randi Kaye about the likelihood of someone being able to raise a pistol to his or her head while in the cramped back seat of a police car with hands handcuffed behind his or her back, Yate’s said “it’s very possible and it’s quite easy.”

Considering that since the cops missed said handgun on two different searches (and they should be fired just for that alone) it must have been concealed up his ass -- but I suppose this douche will tell us that removing a gun from one's ass while in the cramped backseat of a police car while handcuffed is no big, actually. In fact, it's quite easy, you silly people!


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