"[Gays] are the most intolerant group of people," says Mike Huckabee

Jul 28, 2012 14:05

Less than an hour ago, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee appeared on the Family Research Council's nationally broadcast radio show Washington Watch Weekly with Tony Perkins to discuss the Chick-Fil-A controversy and to promote his self-proclaimed Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day (August 1st.) During the broadcast, Huckabee made several ( Read more... )

mike huckabee, christianity, fuck this guy, fuckery, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, clusterfuck

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Comments 151

69love_songs July 28 2012, 20:14:44 UTC
I was called 'intolerant' because I said gay marriage should be legal in the UK (not just civil partnerships) and churches should not be allowed to discriminate who they will and will not marry on grounds of sexuality. It upset me actually because the person who called me intolerant is somebody who I (used to) greatly admire. Now he's accusing me of pushing my 'gay agenda', not so much.

It just gets farcical in my opinion when you can be accused of being intolerant for wanting people to have the same rights as everybody else. Also if I'm coming across as intolerant of fuckery and homophobia then it's because I AM intolerant of that nonsense.


birdofpray09 July 28 2012, 20:44:54 UTC
This is the argument I only am most wtf over when I encounter it.

On one hand, yes, absolutely, if you think that your religion says being gay is wrong, it is your opinion and certainly you are allowed to have it. But if you're going to go around, actively attempting to deny others the same rights you have yourself, that transcends your right to freedom of opinion.

IMO, the minute you start taking your opinions and using them to subjugate other people (as with the church and their stance on homosexuality), then that should absolutely be illegal.

I realize that it gets into more of a gray area when you start talking about individual rights (for example, mandating that individual pastors be forced to perform gay marriages if they are personally against it), but plenty of people are forced to do things they don't agree with in their jobs, and find safe, productive ways to deal with it. Outright banning gay marriages to protect people who don't believe in it is not one of those ways.


ladypolitik July 28 2012, 21:37:01 UTC
This is seriously the only kind of 'rebuttal' I encounter if making the mistake of engaging creepy religious people on marriage equality, or lgbtq civil rights: "[reverse-]intolerance".

It's like they're reading from some same secret church handbook ("How To Debate the Dark-Sided: Volume IX, Sodomites, Feminists, and Uppity Hammites").


moonbladem July 28 2012, 20:15:20 UTC
Huckabee is astounded by the statements made by various public officials against Chick-Fil-A, notably Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. "Is he going to kick all of [the Christian preachers] out of Boston, too?"

Apples and oranges, you dolt, apples and oranges.

As for calling the LGBTQ community "the most intolerant group of people"... ummm, isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?

In short, go screw yourself, Huckabee.


vanya_elda July 28 2012, 20:18:42 UTC
First, he called them bullies~ and I was like ARE YOU FUCKING FOR REAL, RIGHT NOW? Then he said they are intolerant and then he said they are the MOST INTOLERANT GROUP OF PEOPLE. I was basically the Hades' "I'm okay, I'm okay, *RAGE*" GIF.


emofordino July 28 2012, 21:28:02 UTC

... )


layweed July 28 2012, 20:22:45 UTC
Saying gays are the most intolerant of people on a Family Research Council radio show is all sorts of fucking hypocritical too. They're listed as a hate group by the SPLC and have/been associated with attacks on LGBT for years.


moonecho July 28 2012, 20:24:18 UTC
Yeah, I keep seeing this meme cropping up about how the left and/or gays are 'intolerant' for not eating at/financially supporting Chik-fil-A, which these fil-A-philes interpret as being because of Cathy's Christianity instead of the donations to/support of anti-gay causes and organizations. My face is sore from all the facepalming.


emofordino July 28 2012, 21:41:31 UTC
that's what pisses me off the most about everyone being like "why boycott them? because one guy has an ~opinion~ that you don't agree with?" they never think about the fact that people might not want the money they give the company for their food to end up going to fund legislation that takes away their rights.

but it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT when oreo shows support of gay marriage and they decide to boycott their company for that reason, of course. THE STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE, IT BURNS SO BADLY.


starbonds July 29 2012, 01:58:57 UTC
Thank you. I've had this argument crop up on facebook way too many times. That or "why don't you boycott walmart or gasoline too?"

He can keep his shitty opinions to himself its just when it starts to hurt others is when I take an issue of it.


hoodoo July 28 2012, 20:25:48 UTC
says a white christian straight conservative cis-gender dude. okay.
just shut up.


romp July 28 2012, 20:33:01 UTC
Are you suggesting privilege might play a part in all this? ;)

If I see one more white guy post "I eat at Chick-Fil-A and I dun care," I may go blind.


hoodoo July 28 2012, 20:34:24 UTC
srly, smh @ those people like CHIC FIL A IS GUD SO WHATEVER.


romp July 28 2012, 22:28:52 UTC
I'd take it better if they acknowledged that they're apathetic about anything not directly affecting them but they seem to think they're being edgy by not caring.


executivehpfan July 28 2012, 20:25:51 UTC

... )


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