"[Gays] are the most intolerant group of people," says Mike Huckabee

Jul 28, 2012 14:05

Less than an hour ago, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee appeared on the Family Research Council's nationally broadcast radio show Washington Watch Weekly with Tony Perkins to discuss the Chick-Fil-A controversy and to promote his self-proclaimed Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day (August 1st.) During the broadcast, Huckabee made several inflammatory comments in response to the public outrage against statements made by Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy concerning "traditional" marriage.

"It's interesting," Huckabee points out, "that the group calling for tolerance is the one that is truly intolerant." Taking it to another level, Huckabee went on a short rant about "gays" who he accused of being "bullies" toward Chick-Fil-A and Dan Cathy. "They are the most intolerant group of people," Huckabee claimed before going on to say, "We let you out into the square. We don't agree with your opinions, but we let you have them."

"The Christian people are frustrated," Huckabee explained. "Chick-Fil-A is not a business of politics; they just want to sell chicken."

On the topic of politicians, however, Huckabee is astounded by the statements made by various public officials against Chick-Fil-A, notably Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. "Is he going to kick all of [the Christian preachers] out of Boston, too?" Huckabee asked.

The interview wrapped with Huckabee promoting his newest endeavor Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day. "If you want to show your support, go out and buy a chicken sandwich on August 1st," said Huckabee.

Source: The car radio that my dad happened to turn on at the same moment that Huckabee took to the mic. I will link the interview as soon as I find it online.

I can't even with this, you guys. I want off this ride. I bet Huckabee just thought he was preaching to the choir. Well, Mike, you were wrong.

ETA: Full interview now up on the FRC blog

mike huckabee, christianity, fuck this guy, fuckery, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, clusterfuck

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