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Comments 20

bex July 16 2012, 19:46:09 UTC
Failing to fit the Wet Seal "brand image" should probably be considered a compliment.

Hope she wins, is this is really their policy. Gross (but completely unsurprising).


zeldafitzgerald July 16 2012, 19:48:03 UTC
As if I needed another reason not to shop at this tacky-ass store. Discrimination is never cool and I hope they're ordered to pay major change.


amyura July 16 2012, 20:01:54 UTC
Holy wow that's disgusting. Hope they win.


lizcharlene July 16 2012, 20:05:43 UTC
Race plays a bigger factor in attaining, keeping, and advancing in a profession than companies will openly state in direct words. I feel that if a minority candidate is not significantly more accomplished on paper, certain companies will choose to hire a white candidate over a minority candidate. This is one specific incident that I am glad has been brought to light.


cyranothe2nd July 17 2012, 04:19:16 UTC
There's no "I feel" about it--that shit is documented truth.


I also read (can't find a link now) that a white felon had a better chance of getting a job than a qualified black person. :/


musique_style July 16 2012, 21:38:19 UTC
People have been falling back on the "well, people of color don't sell as well" excuse for years, when it's been proven that even with a PoC as the face, it will sell just as god damn well. People just don't want to admit that they're bigots.

Screw this. As a multiracial/Black woman, I'm going to make it a life goal to become a district manager of some ~white market~ store, and when the President asks for more blonde haired, blue eyed people, I'm going to hire a bunch of Black people with blonde hair and blue ass eyes because fuck you, racist corporate folk. :|


kitanabychoice July 16 2012, 22:21:59 UTC
People have been falling back on the "well, people of color don't sell as well" excuse for years, when it's been proven that even with a PoC as the face, it will sell just as god damn well. People just don't want to admit that they're bigots.

This this this. It's just prejudice and bigotry all the way. I hardly think anyone walks out of a store these days because there's not enough white people serving them. wtf?


tabaqui July 17 2012, 04:11:27 UTC
I hardly think anyone walks out of a store these days because there's not enough white people serving them. wtf?

This, so much. I can't even imagine caring. I'm *buying stuff*, not looking for my identical twin, wth.


chaya July 17 2012, 00:59:49 UTC
I just imagined, like, the week before the president comes to see your store, that you would order a bunch of blue contacts and yellow wigs for your employees to wear as a silent "fuck you" that day.


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