I can't think of a witty title because I'm too busy lol'ing at straight people

Jul 06, 2012 10:10

‘Magic Mike’ Is Big Draw for Gay Men

Men flirted and showed off their muscles through tight-fitting tank tops. Women with no shoes gyrated next to men with no shirts. A D.J. played deep beats. Shachar Keizman, 24, climbed atop an armrest and peeled off his shirt to reveal a chiseled torso. People screamed and stuck dollar bills in his shorts ( Read more... )

movies, lol wut, films, new york times, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, #gurrrrrrrrrrl

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Comments 146

shukivengeance July 6 2012, 14:33:02 UTC
The movie was marketed to get the pink dollar so what's the big deal here? Am I missing something?


windsong_moon July 6 2012, 14:42:42 UTC
I'm not sure what's surprising here. The movie was made for anyone who wants to see men nude.


mahasin July 6 2012, 14:44:54 UTC
Exactly, almost everyone I know that saw it was either a gay man or a horny woman.


clevermanka July 6 2012, 15:10:57 UTC

I'm going to see it next week. The only reason I didn't make it this week is I'm organizing a conference that's due to start in...um...two hours and fifty minutes.


mahasin July 6 2012, 15:15:30 UTC
Good luck with the conference!


ladypolitik July 6 2012, 14:52:08 UTC
1) Need gifs of straight ladies accessorizing gay men generally; I wanna say there are clips out there but nothing comes to mind and the captions would pretty much write themselves

2) “I think there’s a change in how straight men are willing to be physically objectified and want that kind of admiration,” Mr. Ayers said. “They are happy to have gay men find them attractive.”

Not only is this nothing new, it's not exactly profound/noble, either. One of the biggest tropes of hypermasculine dudebro homophobia is the old It's Not Gay/As Gay If I've "Receiving"; Just "Giving"™ phenomenon. It's not always consistent (read: rife with violent hypocrisy) either; ogle one micro-millimetre to the right and suddenly it's all about rationalizing gruesome "gay panic" tropes. Which is to argue, all of this should be less (read: not at all) about implicitly giving straight guys 'credit' for not being ~squicked out~ by the gay gaze.

3) ...Mildly NSFW (bum exposure/crotch-driven body rolls), so scroll by REAL fast.

... )


popehippo July 6 2012, 15:03:31 UTC
You make an excellent point with #2, but I am incredibly distracted by #3, that is all.


wikilobbying July 6 2012, 16:06:47 UTC
i can't see #3 :'(


bmh4d0k3n July 6 2012, 16:10:41 UTC
Nor I :(


popehippo July 6 2012, 14:59:21 UTC
what, you mean gay folks go to movies that may have leads they find attractive, just like straight folks?



popehippo July 6 2012, 15:02:56 UTC
I also love how I've seen other articles expressing shock over just how many straight women went to go see it too.

Like, for real, quit being surprised that anyone other than straight dudes go see movies because they find the actors/actresses sexy.


mycenaes July 6 2012, 15:13:14 UTC
yeah, I noticed that too, lol.

like, god forbid women/gay men/etc have ~sexual urges~!!1!


popehippo July 6 2012, 15:18:57 UTC
I wanna see the opposite of those now.

"Surprisingly enough, though they weren't the key demographic, 80% of Showgirls viewers were either dudes who got kicked out of the theater for masturbating or lesbians who were banned for going WHOOOOOO at the screen too much."


terribilita July 6 2012, 15:00:20 UTC
“But I don’t think anybody walked out of it hot and bothered.”

Everyone in my theater was hot and bothered. Including the men (I can't believe this has to be said).


ladypolitik July 6 2012, 15:13:46 UTC
LMFAOOOOOO my FAVE bootleg clip to come out of Magic Mike screenings.





bmh4d0k3n July 6 2012, 16:16:43 UTC
People were much more polite in Wisconsin.

Speaking of bootleg clips with commentary:


ladypolitik July 7 2012, 02:26:56 UTC






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