Boy: "They Told Me To Record" Cell Phone Video On Bus

Jun 22, 2012 10:21

Greece, N.Y. - "I had no clue it would go this far," Luis Recio Jr. said about the cell phone video he shot Monday that shows fellow students bullying their Greece school bus monitor ( Read more... )

youtube, elderly, bullying, donations, money, youth, *trigger warning: bullying, fatphobia

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Comments 31

cadaver_andante June 22 2012, 20:41:11 UTC
he's lying. you can clearly hear a voice behind the camera laughing along with the other kids.


ljtaylor June 22 2012, 20:50:12 UTC
Yes well, everyone gets 20/20 with hindsight, don't they.

If he did indeed participate in the bullying, "peer pressure" is not a legitimate excuse to escape punishment imho. The entire mob who bullied Ms. Klein could all use the same excuse.


professor_chaos June 22 2012, 21:06:23 UTC
Well one of the fathers went to Karen to apologize for his son's behavior which is all well and good BUT all those kids involved should at the very least be made to apologize to her face to face and publicly.


carmy_w June 22 2012, 21:16:39 UTC

I heard part of an interview with her this a.m., and she said specifically that NONE of the kids had come to her to apologize.

One had written a letter, and apparently either one of the kids or one of the parents had made a public apology, but not one had actually spoken TO HER about it.


kira_snugz June 22 2012, 22:28:37 UTC
didn't she ask for a written apology from a couple of the kids?


carmy_w June 25 2012, 13:54:06 UTC
She may have; I haven't read up on the case, and haven't seen any of the interviews-just heard that one section on the radio on my way to work....


passionately June 22 2012, 21:21:11 UTC
I'm ashamed to say I live in the same city as these asshole kids. I'm not from here (I'm from Albany) and I can honestly say we have never treated anyone like that. The worst part is, Greece is the friggin suburbs. You wouldn't catch any inner city Rochester kids doing this to someone. They may be ghetto, but at least they have respect. I can't BELIEVE she isn't pressing charges. Someone needs to beat these children.


mercystars June 22 2012, 21:36:22 UTC
what has happened as far as apologies from any of these kids, anything? i know i heard one of the dads complaining about getting death threats, but that's about all i've heard, aftermath-wise.


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