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Comments 21

scolaro May 5 2012, 13:06:09 UTC
First of all: LOL

Second: Lib Dem leader Jenny Dawe said: "It would have been nicer not to have been beaten by professor whatever-his-name-was but at the end of the day that wasn't on our list of likely ones we would do well on, so no surprises there."

Way to show you respect your fellow candidate.


ragnor144 May 5 2012, 13:56:51 UTC
Especially when he got more votes than you did.


x_butterfly19_x May 5 2012, 13:47:22 UTC
lmfao Edinburgh. Way to reject your Lib Dem voters, though. :(


ragnor144 May 5 2012, 13:59:47 UTC
I was hoping that it was an actual penguin instead of a man in a penguin suit.

How much of a political geek am I to want to know Professor Pongoo's stance on Scottish independence?


spiffynamehere May 5 2012, 17:15:47 UTC
I originally thought that, too. Because would be most adorable politician!


sparkindarkness May 5 2012, 14:31:19 UTC
"but at the end of the day that wasn't on our list of likely ones we would do well on"

Methinks that was a very very VERY short list

*reaffirms pledge to not vote Lib Dem again*


ellonwye May 5 2012, 15:25:24 UTC
Yeah voting lib dem was really worth it wasn't it :I


yep jazzypom May 5 2012, 17:23:59 UTC
They'll never get my vote again. Never.


ceilidh_ann May 6 2012, 16:47:57 UTC
It's also most likely untrue given that Lib Dems were in Edinburgh council, albeit with an SNP coalition, but Edinburgh's been good for them. They didn't just lose here because of a national trend. They lost because they fucked up Edinburgh.


4eyedblonde May 5 2012, 18:21:11 UTC
I know nothing of British politics but this is hilarious


redstar826 May 5 2012, 18:59:34 UTC
same here. I know nothing except "Yay! Penguin!"


screamingintune May 5 2012, 19:28:10 UTC
excuse you, his name is Professor Pongoo. He deserves his proper title!


paulnolan May 5 2012, 19:28:39 UTC
Summary: the Lib Dems were the third, supposedly progressive party, an also-ran until their current leader Nick Clegg managed to woo the nation into them standing a chance during the election campaign. Election night comes and there was no overall majority, so two parties had to team up to become the government in order to actually have power. It turned out the Lib Dems allied with the (right wing, anything but progressive) Tories to do this, which pissed off the people who voted for them. No good has come of it, to put it mildly. End result (as shown here) the Lib Dems have become so loathed that even the joke candidates stand more of a chance than them in some places.


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