Canadians: protest bill C-11!

Mar 07, 2012 13:29

This is a bit old but I didn't see anything on this so I thought I would post this article. I can't believe I haven't heard of this before. Where are the media on this (as in all over it)???
'Bill C-11 has disgruntled Canadians taking action' (Feb 9th, 2012)

When news of the threat Bill C-11 potentially poses ( Read more... )

oh not this shit again, all your post are belong to us, canada, oh shit the internet is here, stephen harper, censorship, internet/net neutrality/piracy

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Comments 18

lacunaz March 7 2012, 19:22:19 UTC
I contacted my MP about how much C-11 sucks and I got back a response that basically lectured me about how much it was necessary. I guess I should have realized that trying to argue with a Conservative was an exercise in futility.


soleiltropiques March 7 2012, 19:29:58 UTC
Yes, I agree completely.

Although I believe it also says something about the media that I hadn't heard about this back then:it isn't as if I don't follow the news.

I'll be writing to my MP as well -at least the NDP are against it.

I'm also hoping that the row against the robocalling will prompt by-elections which will make them lose their majority. (I live in hope!! :-)


lucciolaa March 7 2012, 21:53:28 UTC
Same here. One MP didn't even reply, I don't think.


lillyangel March 7 2012, 23:52:01 UTC
I don't even know if I should bother writing to my MP. It is Rob Anders after all. I've learned not to engage the stupid.


watchsnowfall March 7 2012, 21:56:54 UTC
Actually, this WAS all over the news, and it promptly got swept under the rug with Bill C-30, robo-calling, etc.

It's pretty annoying because most people are just like OMFG CANADIAN SOPA~~~ when really, no, it's more nuanced than that. It IS updating the copyright law, and no it is not all bad - it does, for example, extend fair dealing of copyrighted material for educational purposes, with the exception of digitally locked material. Yet SO many critics fail to pinpoint exactly what's wrong with this bill. It doesn't need to be completely scrapped, but it does need to be modified.

I thought CIPPIC had the best take.

The Government of Canada announced a new copyright bill this morning, entitled the Copyright Modernization Act. The government claims it is identical to Bill C-32, which the Conservative minority tabled last year. This bill proposes many important updates to Canadian copyright law. If passed, it will legalize activities that Canadians already do on a daily basis: record television, copy songs onto MP3 players, and ( ... )


soleiltropiques March 8 2012, 00:01:57 UTC
"Actually, this WAS all over the news, and it promptly got swept under the rug with Bill C-30, robo-calling, etc ( ... )


watchsnowfall March 8 2012, 06:44:39 UTC
Honestly, you didn't read the papers then. The Toronto Star & Globe and Mail all ran stories about C-11, not my fault you missed it.

Yes, there are problems with C-11, but labeling it Canadian SOPA, which is in the FIRST PARAGRAPH YOU LINKED, is overkill.

And yes, okay, point. But do you want to protest a bill that doesn't let you unlock "locked" material you've already bought (which happens anyways and is essentially near impossible to police) or a bill that allows the police to seize your information from your ISP without a warrant? Where's your post on C-30 then, if you're so interested in ~protesting~?


soleiltropiques March 8 2012, 17:09:49 UTC

"The Toronto Star & Globe and Mail all ran stories about C-11, not my fault you missed it."

Did I blame you for missing it? You know, I don't know if you're aware of this, but your tone is rather aggressive and condescending here. And I did read the papers -did you read all the papers there were on those days, so as to be qualified to say that it was EVERYWHERE?

I don't read the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail on a regular basis, sorry. I get my news from a variety of sources, several of which are in French.

"Yes, there are problems with C-11, but labeling it Canadian SOPA, which is in the FIRST PARAGRAPH YOU LINKED, is overkill."

All right, you disagree with these articles, that's fine.

Why don't you point to the sections in the bill which go against what these commentators are arguing for (I will also point out here that I was not the writer of the original articles)? Here is a link to the full text of the bill ( ... )


romp March 8 2012, 01:39:49 UTC
I wrote my MP weeks ago but she's so cool, it's almost pointless. Still, it's good to get the word out.


soleiltropiques March 8 2012, 17:12:40 UTC
I agree. I'll be writing mine too! :-)


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