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Comments 42

fickery February 12 2012, 03:37:24 UTC
OP: I'm surprised by how little coverage of the ongoing war in Syria there is in _p.

I've been marveling at how little coverage there is of Syria in the news, at least in the US. Every time one of the GOP candidates burps or farts the media is all over it, they're covering every stupid primary/caucus/debate/whistlestop soundbite, not to mention CPAC, but fuck all about Syria. Maybe if we were hearing more about it in the news it would shame the candidates into talking about something other than women's reproductive systems.

*looks at your icon* Sorry, apparently I'm feeling ranty too.


carminaburana February 12 2012, 04:51:26 UTC
Part of it is because of the press blackout in Syria, most correspondents have to do their reporting from Beirut and the news there isn't always super reliable tbh. I know that Ayman Mohyedin (of Democracy Now and now NBC) has managed to get into Damascus but couldn't stay there long. His coverage has been really good, the best in US MSM, IMO.


calybe February 12 2012, 06:39:36 UTC
I've been getting relatively alright coverage by following BBC and Al Jazeera, and even twitter and tumblr was full of news on Syria. I guess that was why I was so surprised that ONTD_P in contrast had so little.


ladypolitik February 12 2012, 04:26:49 UTC
OP: I'm surprised by how little coverage of the ongoing war in Syria there is in _p.

There's very little mainstream coverage in the actual press, period, really. User submission-based lj comms that aggregates news ultimately reflects what the press saturates and neglects.


carminaburana February 12 2012, 04:45:31 UTC
Part of it is also b/c of the press blackout in Syria. It's hard to get good coverage even (especially?) in the Arab media (plus there are divisions in various Arab countries about being pro-regime vs. pro-revolution). The Syria Comment blog does a decent roundup of news and Ayman Mohyeldin on NBC is doing a great job of covering Syria.

This is going to be a whole different bag of chips from Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya. :(


fickery February 12 2012, 05:10:26 UTC
The Syria Comment blog does a decent roundup of news and Ayman Mohyeldin on NBC is doing a great job of covering Syria.

Thanks, I bookmarked that. The link, for anyone else who wants it: http://syriacomment.com/


brittlesmile February 12 2012, 11:12:46 UTC
Thanks! Bookmarked - there's pretty reliable ongoing coverage in France but I always worry that I'll end up miscomprehending something due to the language issue. It's nice to have access to news in English!


(The comment has been removed)

calybe February 12 2012, 06:40:38 UTC
I hope your friend recovers well.

Ever since I've joined _p, my respect for journalists and the trouble they go through has rocketed.


brittlesmile February 12 2012, 11:17:46 UTC
Wow. I'm glad your friend's alive! I hope his recovery goes well.

I think it is really important to remember that there are brave and dedicated individuals risking themselves behind each news story, especially since, information being so easily accessible in our time, it can be easy to take the reporting & information we have for granted.


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