The Oldest Profession

Dec 08, 2011 12:53

Seriously NSFW anti-prostitution ad, and one that comes closer to any I have ever seen to convey to men a visceral sense of how awful it must be to be a woman in the sex trade:

Campaign against Prostitution English version from Black Moon prod on Vimeo.
I should say, as a point of order, that I'm not anti-sex. I'm sure there are out there many ( Read more... )

sex work, health care

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Comments 45

red_pill December 9 2011, 01:54:08 UTC
i have two views on this, personal and leagal

personly, im not going to have sex with a prosititue. its not my thing. i wouldnt want to do it. i would feel harsh paying someone for sex

leagal, i think it should be leagal. people should never be in a postion where they have to do it, but, sad fact of life is, they will be, for whatever reson. alot of it economic, and whilst i would very much like for those conditions to change, im not holding my breath. in the mean time, if anyone should choose to be a prostitue, they should be a) alowed to do so by the law (there body, there rules) and b) offered every protection that can be resonbly extended by the law (from pimping, violence, and so on).

one day, we wont have too, with luck. untill then, we should make it as not bad as we can.


evewithanapple December 9 2011, 02:11:36 UTC
I love how this video used the concept of oral sex on woman as ickybadgross to drive home that prostitution! Is! Wrong! Because you just know that blowjobs wouldn't have worked as well.


tabaqui December 9 2011, 03:05:21 UTC
I think the descriptions in the text of that are not to put down or 'dehumanize' the people she's talking about, but to drive home the fact that people who are in the sex trade, or 'hookers', are not all Julia Roberts people, pretty and perfect and seemingly doing it for a lark.

They're often times abused, often times addicted, sometimes older and/or physically worn down people who are trading their bodies for shelter or drugs or food, and it's *not* pretty, or sexy, or lighthearted, it's degrading and desperate and extremely dangerous for them.

I wonder if they have a 'woman prostitute/male tricks' version of this ad? Maybe they made it the way it is to 'shock', since most sex worker/trick 'pairings' on tv and such seem to default to woman-worker/man-trick.


weekendoffender December 9 2011, 03:47:54 UTC
I'd actually like to see more "a lot of sex workers are happy, healthy, and enjoy their work" talk in the media. Because this idea that all sex workers are STD filled, drug addicted no-hopers who were abused by their fathers is pretty damn offensive to handful of wonderful sex workers I do know.

That's not to say I think we should take anything away from the multitude of women around the world who are forced into the trade - they need a hell of a lot more help then we give them. But to imply that all sex workers are somehow poor little things that we need to rescue is a disgusting attitude to have.


cosmologists December 9 2011, 05:06:06 UTC
The use of blatant misogyny to argue against an inherently misogynistic institution. Brilliant.

Because men won't stop going to prostitutes until they imagine going down on women that don't fit beauty norms, or until they consider the fact that prostitutes are super icky up close.


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