The Oldest Profession

Dec 08, 2011 12:53

Seriously NSFW anti-prostitution ad, and one that comes closer to any I have ever seen to convey to men a visceral sense of how awful it must be to be a woman in the sex trade:

Campaign against Prostitution English version from Black Moon prod on Vimeo.

I should say, as a point of order, that I'm not anti-sex. I'm sure there are out there many Julia-Roberts-eque hookers "with a heart of gold" -- call girls who are beautiful, sex-positive and in control of their bodies and their lives, able to choose their clients and making money and happy and good for them. They're not who this is about.

I see hookers all the time in my ER, and have for a long time. I see them up close and personal. They're not sexy. They're sad and miserable. They have abscesses from IV drug injections. They have missing teeth from meth use. They have sagging breasts and stretch marks on their bellies from the babies they had in their teens. They have psychological scars from the abuse they suffered at the hands of family members.

They don't usually think of themselves as hookers, and few of them fit the "streetwalker" image. They would be offended if they heard themselves described as prostitutes. But they are desperate and addicted and sometimes homeless and they have sex with men for money and drugs and shelter and protection. They don't think of it as turning tricks, typically, they just think of it as surviving.

I don't have any data, but I suspect that women (and some men) like this probably account for a huge majority of people in the sex trade. Add to that the illegal immigrants who are actually coerced into the profession and the more traditional streetwalking ladies of the evening and I am sure this is a large majority of the trade.

I don't know whether ads like the above do anything to help. I guess they increase awareness, so that's good. I actually don't think prostitution should be a crime. But I wish that the circumstances that led to prostitution could be eradicated.

From an ER Physician.

sex work, health care

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