Christians, homophobia and trying hard to follow Jesus

Dec 03, 2011 03:33

Christians, homophobia and trying hard to follow Jesus

By David Pocock ABC Religion and Ethics 2 Dec 2011

In the lead up to the World Cup I was pursued by the Bible Society to be part of a project that brought together international sporting personalities to write about their faith to be included in a publication of the Bible.To be honest, I ( Read more... )

religious politics, nelson mandela, fucking valuable thing, christianity, religion, australia, opinion piece, good news, homophobia, sports, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, marriage equality, totally awesome

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Comments 19

atomic_joe2 December 3 2011, 16:34:16 UTC
Thank you for posting this, its very interesting.


jettakd December 3 2011, 16:35:13 UTC
I really love this and think he sums up my thoughts as a Christian and a liberal perfectly. He's put into words a lot of things I had no idea how to express.

Lee Camp's Mere Discipleship is probably the book I've read that explains what following Jesus really can look like.

Dr. Camp was my Christian Ethics professor. I think he'd be pretty proud of this guy.


jwaneeta December 3 2011, 17:02:51 UTC
Good for him.


bestdaywelived December 3 2011, 17:05:17 UTC
I'll be honest, I was absolutely skeptical when I saw the headline, but I was fairly surprised. I generally think that liberal Christians are a lot worse than their conservative counterpoints in a lot of ways (mostly all talk and no action), but he seems like he's actually doing the work instead of just talking about it and demanding cookies for not hating gays.


sparkindarkness December 3 2011, 17:24:02 UTC
Agreed. he didn't even play the "REAL Christians aren't like that!" card. I was surprised


magus_69 December 4 2011, 00:21:27 UTC
The headline is the title of the article. That alone would have probably just made me skip it, except I found it through a blog I follow. The blogger recommended it, so I went and read the whole thing. My (very pleasant) surprise made me post it here.


mirhanda December 3 2011, 17:58:22 UTC
I'm not at all ashamed of my faith but I'm often embarrassed to be associated with much that passes for Christianity but that looks nothing like Christ.

I agree with this so hard!


omgwtfbbqcandy December 4 2011, 13:23:30 UTC
Same here. It's like he read my mind.


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