Christians, homophobia and trying hard to follow Jesus

Dec 03, 2011 03:33

Christians, homophobia and trying hard to follow Jesus

By David Pocock ABC Religion and Ethics 2 Dec 2011

In the lead up to the World Cup I was pursued by the Bible Society to be part of a project that brought together international sporting personalities to write about their faith to be included in a publication of the Bible.

To be honest, I found it hard to know what I could "add" in value to the Bible and thought maybe the words of some sport stars might be a distraction rather than help. I also thought there's no shortage of people talking about the Christian faith, so my approach should be to get on with trying to follow Jesus and hope people might see something in my life that looks like him.

For all these reasons, I was tempted to say no.

But I know how much it meant to me to be able to look up to people who were unashamed of the Gospel of love and the God of peace. Dorothy Day, one of my heroes, said, "If I have achieved anything in my life, it is because I have not been embarrassed to talk of God."

I'm only twenty-three and there is a lot I want to do. Like many Christians my age, I'm looking to the example of amazing women and men like Dorothy Day and trying not to be embarrassed when talking about God - or, I want to do it without embarrassing God!

I'm not at all ashamed of my faith but I'm often embarrassed to be associated with much that passes for Christianity but that looks nothing like Christ.

So with all of that in mind, I wrote a piece to express my faith journey. Sadly, the Bible Society decided not to include my contribution.

Now, I understand people involved in these sorts of organisations have deeply held convictions. With all I have learnt about global poverty, about human trafficking, about patriarchy, about climate change, I could understand if they didn't want to publish a sports personality who didn't care about, as Jesus put it, "the weighty matters of the Torah; justice, compassion and active trust in God." (Matthew 23:23).

These are things my faith has caused me to care passionately about and I'm trying to reorganise my life so that, in responding to these issues, "faith expressing itself through love" is the only thing that matters.

Unfortunately, this is not what they thought the important issues were.

A few years ago I was in a public campaign challenging homophobia in sport and have since gone on to say publically that I support equal rights regardless of sexuality - including the right to marry.

My "wife" Emma and I have journeyed with friends who have experienced the pain of being rejected for being lesbian and gay, so when we got married we decided to have a Christian marriage (before God, our faith community, family and friends) but not to have a state marriage (that is a legal marriage), precisely because this is denied to friends who are lesbian and gay.

For this reason, the Bible Society initially informed me that they were not including my contribution due to my public support of equal rights in marriage. Since then, they have decided to review their stance and may possibly include it in the book.

Either way, I felt, given the current debate around the country about marriage equality, that I needed to go ahead with the article.

One of my other heroes is Desmond Tutu. He spent most of his life challenging apartheid in South Africa and was integral in the country's transition after apartheid by chairing the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission." He's been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, Sydney Peace Prize, Gandhi Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and remains active in his defence of human rights and uses his high profile to campaign for the oppressed.

Here's what Tutu said about sexual orientation:

"This is a matter of ordinary justice. We struggled against apartheid in South Africa, supported by people the world over, because black people were being blamed and made to suffer for something we could do nothing about - our very skin. It is the same with sexual orientation. It is a given. I could not have fought against the discrimination of apartheid and not also fight against the discrimination that homosexuals endure, even in our churches and faith groups.

I am proud that in South Africa, when we won the chance to build our own new constitution, the human rights of all have been explicitly enshrined in our laws. My hope is that one day this will be the case all over the world, and that all will have equal rights. For me this struggle is a seamless robe. Opposing apartheid was a matter of justice. Opposing discrimination against women is a matter of justice. Opposing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a matter of justice.

It is also a matter of love. Every human being is precious. We are all - all of us - part of God's family. We all must be allowed to love each other with honour. Yet all over the world, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are persecuted. We treat them as pariahs and push them outside our communities. We make them doubt that they too are children of God. This must be nearly the ultimate blasphemy."

It is my belief that Christians shouldn't legislate one understanding of marriage for the rest of society who aren't Christians. I am also convinced that Christians should actively work to end homophobia.

Like Desmond Tutu, sociologist and evangelist Tony Campolo and Baptist Pastor Matt Glover (who's job was recently jeopardised for openly supporting the LGBT community), I'm supportive of gay marriage, not despite my faith in Jesus, but because of it.

I'm young, I'm going to get some things wrong, and like everyone I'm in need of grace; but when I ask, "What would Jesus do?" I can't imagine Jesus not challenging homophobia and standing with people who have been scapegoated.

As one of my friends put it (maybe more harshly than I would):

"Did the Bible Society ask about the banking practices of you and others contributing to the book? This isn't about Biblical Christianity but human psychology. Jesus never mentions homosexuality but talks about money, more than any other subject except the kingdom of God! And when he talking about money he's not suggesting how to make more of it and become part of the 1%. So maybe when we Christians are obedient and stop practicing usury, being in debt (and participating in crippling economics that puts the world's poor in debt) we could then address other issues that Jesus doesn't spend time on with much more integrity. If we were really interested in Biblical Christianity, we'd be asking questions about what we are doing with our money and how it affects the 'least of these', not trying to legislate what other people are doing in bed or denying people the opportunity to commit to each other for life."

As happens when I spend time with the Gospels, this made me think, examine the log in my own eye and hear Jesus' invitation to reimagine my life.

So, for those that might be interested, here is what I wrote about my journey of faith. I love to read, but by no means am I a theologian. It doesn't bother me that what I wrote was rejected. What bothers me is that people who God loves are rejected by parts of the church who should not be embarrassed about God's radical love that transcends prejudice like homophobia.

My journey of faith

Sometimes it sounds like responding to Jesus is about not about salvation but "success."

I'm thankful for my parents, Jane and Andy, who's deep relationship with Jesus pointed to something more hopeful (for me personally and for our hurting world) than "success" as society defines it. They brought my brothers and I up with a deep understanding of the importance of being a follower of Jesus.

Christians often use the language of "following," but my parents showed us that meant something practical. As 1 John 2:6 puts it, "those who claim to be in him must walk as Jesus walked." They encouraged us to read and learn and discuss as much as we could.

If Jesus asks us to love God with everything we've got and to love our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12:28-30), it means not just our hearts but our minds as well. My parents gave us permission to do just that.

I always identified as a Christian but when I moved away from home at 17 - to pursue a rugby career in Perth - like most young people I began to question the assumptions and beliefs I had and to wonder whether they were really "mine" or if I believed them just because of the way I had been brought up.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, faith "had to become real to me and I had to know God for myself." Being pretty determined and an avid reader, I have spent the last few years reading, learning and praying.

I read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and also read books by people who encourage us to live like him: Martin Luther King Jr, John Howard Yoder, John Dear, Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Lee Camp, N.T. Wright and Cornel West. (Lee Camp's Mere Discipleship is probably the book I've read that explains what following Jesus really can look like.)

I continue to realise much of what has passed for Christianity in my life and in larger culture (tragically, this includes the church) has sometimes more to do with being white, or middle class, or capitalist - all things that Christ Jesus was not.

It's confronting to realise that it's possible to call yourself a Christian and serve the interests of an idolatrous empire, rather than serving those Jesus came to save.

That's why we all need grace. Grace is both pardon (we are forgiven from cooperating in what Dorothy Day would call "the filthy rotten system") and empowerment ("to live God's love by letting God love through us" as my mate who did the homily at my wedding often says).

Once I began to read the story of Jesus with a growing understanding of the Gospels' original context - it came alive! I could hear and feel God's grace daring me to lose my life and really find it in following Jesus.

Jesus has come to usher in his new Kingdom "on earth as in heaven" - not to offer us a fire insurance policy for life after death - but to live life now; for Christ and like-Christ. This is life in its fullness (John 10:10).

The early Christians were called people of the Way, because they followed Christ's way of reflecting God's love, mercy, grace and restorative justice.

For about two and a half years now I've been a part of group that meets on Tuesday nights - a place to share things, encourage and challenge each other. We discuss all sorts of things, from our personal struggles to environmental issues, social justice issues, to global poverty and patriarchy. These discussions come from our deep belief that Jesus's call is for us to help "the least of these" practically.

I really believe that to follow the New Testament's nonviolent Christ is how we are to worship him. For me, my faith is about committing my life to helping those that Jesus came to save, and by seeing church as the community of believers committed to following Jesus.

I think following Jesus means not conforming to the world but allowing our lives to be transformed (Romans 12:1-2). Loving God by loving those around us, loving people for who they are being there for people especially for those the world forgets or considers "unlovable."

I don't do this to make God love me, but I want to live my life in a way that reflects how God has first loved us. As preachers sometimes like to say, "There is nothing we can do to make God love us more and nothing we can do to make God love us less."

I'm trying to bear witness to this "unfailing love" through the work that my friend Luke O'Keefe, wife Emma Palandri and I are helping facilitate in Zimbabwe, called Eightytwenty Vision and Heroes Boots.

Sometimes there are a lot of pressures that come with a public profile and it doesn't decrease when you are trying to "live God's love." It's not just about avoiding doing "bad things," but often the pressure is to not speak-out when there are "bad things" happening in our world. Yet Proverbs 31:8-9 says:

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Speak up with fairness and justice, and defend the rights of the poor and needy."

There were many Christian sports stars who remained silent when they could have leant their voice to the causes that reflect God's kingdom - like the movements Martin Luther King Jr and Desmond Tutu were leading.

I know it's risky, and I know I might get some things wrong, but Jesus asks that we take up our cross and follow him. That is why I'm seeking to use my public profile to support things like partnering with people suffering in Zimbabwe, fair-trade clothes and taking real action on climate change that hits the poor the hardest.

God has made clear what he asks of me: "to do justice, love compassion and walk humbly with God" (Micah 6:8). If I'm going to be open with my faith, I need to express it not just on my lips but in my life.

Living in a country like Australia, it's easy to forget the hard work that goes into what we eat, wear and use. One of the things God has opened my eyes to is how I can witness to God's good news to the poor by not spending my money on products that harm the poor and destroy the environment.

It's difficult to be a professional rugby player and be committed to following Jesus, but no more so than most people. It's hard for all of us not to get distracted by things that might seem important, but are not important in the Kingdom that Jesus came to announce.

I'm so aware of my need for grace. I wear uniforms that were often made in countries where the rights of workers are not ensured and where sometimes children are working in the factories. I get on planes for work all the time yet am aware of how climate change hits the poor the hardest.

None of us occupy a moral high ground from which to judge others. Instead Christians should be humble, forgiving, non-judgemental, precisely because we've experienced God's "amazing grace."

It is this grace that has forgiven me and this grace empowers me to witness to God's kingdom, to "live God's love by letting God love through us."

David Pocock plays rugby for the Australian Wallabies and the Western Force. He is the co-founder of EightyTwentyVision and HeroesBoots.


OP Says: As a queer man, I reflexively brace myself whenever I hear religious people talking about queer issues from a religious perspective. I have lost count of the times I have seen people saying some very wrong things while thinking that they are being an ally. This is not one of those times.

Also, he looks like this, hence my choice of icon...

I have more if anyone wants them ;)

religious politics, nelson mandela, fucking valuable thing, christianity, religion, australia, opinion piece, good news, homophobia, sports, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, marriage equality, totally awesome

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