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Comments 3

lemonsalt November 27 2011, 14:58:41 UTC
That's going to end well. As usual.


Psychos... leprofessional November 27 2011, 19:32:04 UTC
These people (MEK) fit the definition of terrorist cult to a "T". For anyone who's read up on early history of the Iranian revolution (good authors include Ervand Abrahamian) these guys were the cucoo-for-cocopuffs of the Iranian revolution, probably the single most violent and religious segment of the crazies fighting for power.

They worked with the current faction from 79-81, mostly to pull crazy shit off (they were the first in line for the US embassy seige of '79, videos and interviews have shown this)... until basically the current faction took over and dumped them.

Now they're pressed because they can't also participate in oppressing Iranians, so they've engaged in bombings/sabotage/etc. against the citizens. The current ruling power is ruthless, and have been for the past 30 years, but they're calculating and strategic. The MEK people are just fullout headon cray-cray.

Fun fact: Here's is this "not a cult" listening to their living leader Massoud Rajavi who is supposedly 'alive' but talks via a recorded message to his ( ... )


Dear CIA(nat sec in general) snarksnarklaugh November 28 2011, 04:46:18 UTC

... )


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