Wikipedia Shuts Down Italian Site In Response To Berlusconi's New Wiretap Act

Oct 04, 2011 22:40

Due to the prospect of a new law in Italy that would give those writing on the internet just 48 hours to remove a post or face a €12,000 fine, the Italian homepage for Wikipedia is now redirecting to a statement specifically opposing the proposed legislation.
The proposed law is known as the "DDL intercettazioni" (Wiretapping Act), and critics ( Read more... )

silvio berlusconi, italy, censorship

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Comments 32

brewsternorth October 4 2011, 23:03:55 UTC
I may have disagreements with Wikipedia over other things, but go them in this instance. Not the first time Italy's tried to legislate about the internet and made a mess of it, but this seems notably clusterbungular.


an attempt by Berlusconi's government to censor bloggers. evildevil October 5 2011, 02:10:07 UTC
Berlusconi can burn in hell.


x_butterfly19_x October 5 2011, 09:05:37 UTC
Seriously, Berlusconi?

Good foe Wikipedia though. It is wise.


freeze_i_say October 5 2011, 15:07:49 UTC
Fascism is an italian word for a reason


serenachan October 5 2011, 16:20:54 UTC
Actually, fascism is an English word. Fascismo is an Italian word.


freeze_i_say October 5 2011, 16:32:25 UTC
Unlike Italians, I'm not well-acquainted with either :)


serenachan October 5 2011, 16:37:53 UTC
Are you well acquainted with the word ignorance? Because you're showing a lot of it right now. Italians are figthing this like hell, and you just made a really stupid comment.

Also, being acquainted with dictatorships - studying them - is the most important thing to do to make sure it doesn't happen again. So, I don't know, maybe crack a book and learn something about it?


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