Shocking Discovery: Conservative Ears Unable to Hear Homophobia!

Sep 23, 2011 15:47

Rick Santorum's Homophobic Ears Impaired Him from Hearing the Booing. Medical Doctors Recommend a Simple Home Remedy, a Frothy Mixture of Petroleum Base Oil and Dung Matter to Be Applied to His Ears.

Santorum: ‘I Condemn The People Who Booed That Gay Soldier’ (VIDEO)

In an appearance Friday afternoon on Fox News, Rick Santorum responded to one of the ( Read more... )

election 2012, cry moar, butthurt, dont ask dont tell, republican party, rick santorum, military, homophobia, army

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Comments 29

popehippo September 23 2011, 23:03:01 UTC
“I have to admit, I seriously did not hear those boos. Had I heard them, I certainly would have commented on them. But as you know, when you’re in that sort of environment, you’re focused on the question and formulating your answer. And I just didn’t hear those couple of boos that were out there.

Well, in his defense... It's awfully hard to hear when you have your head that far up your ass.


mercystars September 23 2011, 23:41:55 UTC


gargoylekitty September 23 2011, 23:45:51 UTC
Perfect first comment.


dinkydo September 23 2011, 23:50:31 UTC


kangofu September 23 2011, 23:28:52 UTC
beoweasel September 24 2011, 01:20:33 UTC
Oh, the youtube comments, the youtube comments.


muppetfromhell September 23 2011, 23:41:54 UTC
You should have thanked him for his service even if there hadn't been boos asshole, and you didn't.


nyychick23513 September 24 2011, 00:11:23 UTC
EXACTLY. It's bullshit, plain and simple.


senkig September 24 2011, 01:23:40 UTC


muppetfromhell September 24 2011, 01:26:14 UTC
it's just very telling who they don't feel the need to show respect to.


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vanillakokakola September 24 2011, 01:26:12 UTC
say what? he has one of the douchiest, most punchable faces in politics to me.


baked_goldfish September 24 2011, 01:44:30 UTC
There are some douchey Republicans who I find mildly attractive as long as they're not speaking, but Dick Assfroth isn't one of them.


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screamingintune September 24 2011, 09:21:16 UTC
man these debates are really showing us that the biggest assholes in the GOP are their debate audience members. I kinda hope this keeps happening so their party can be exposed for the barbarians they are. It's like, the candidates haven't been the news for the last three debates. The news has been the crazy ass mob.


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