Shocking Discovery: Conservative Ears Unable to Hear Homophobia!

Sep 23, 2011 15:47

Rick Santorum's Homophobic Ears Impaired Him from Hearing the Booing. Medical Doctors Recommend a Simple Home Remedy, a Frothy Mixture of Petroleum Base Oil and Dung Matter to Be Applied to His Ears.

Santorum: ‘I Condemn The People Who Booed That Gay Soldier’ (VIDEO)

In an appearance Friday afternoon on Fox News, Rick Santorum responded to one of the ( Read more... )

election 2012, cry moar, butthurt, dont ask dont tell, republican party, rick santorum, military, homophobia, army

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vanillakokakola September 24 2011, 01:26:12 UTC
say what? he has one of the douchiest, most punchable faces in politics to me.


baked_goldfish September 24 2011, 01:44:30 UTC
There are some douchey Republicans who I find mildly attractive as long as they're not speaking, but Dick Assfroth isn't one of them.


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baked_goldfish September 24 2011, 02:27:47 UTC
I'm sorry, but it's truly unacceptable.


screamingintune September 24 2011, 09:19:57 UTC

this thread is cracking me up

I have a friend who thinks Eric Cantor is really hot, and I'm like WHU NUH DOOOON'T and she's like I'M SORRY I CAN'T HELP IT, IT'S THE GLASSES


drownanddive September 24 2011, 19:25:02 UTC
My sister is the same way. I find him mildly attractive myself. Only mildly, though.


karrixftw September 24 2011, 02:38:21 UTC
I agree. *hides*


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karrixftw September 24 2011, 02:46:40 UTC
Ngl, if he wasn't such a terrible human being, I wouldn't be as ashamed to think he's attractive looking.


nesmith September 24 2011, 02:47:03 UTC
I think if his tongue were removed, he might be somewhat attractive.


violet_crumble9 September 24 2011, 09:06:20 UTC
I disagree.
I think he looks like one of those slimy, sleazy televangelists.
His face is so smarmy and punchable. I cannot with him.


dearmisterecho September 24 2011, 16:19:47 UTC
He looks way too much like a Republican dude I used to be on the school newspaper staff with...he used to have a hair fetish and would come up behind some of us and touch our hair D:

that alone makes him completely unattractive to me.


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