9/11 has become all about New York - with D.C. and the Pentagon nearly forgotten

Sep 09, 2011 09:46

9/11 has become all about New York - with D.C. and the Pentagon nearly forgotten

By Marc Fisher, Published: September 2

To see the new 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero in New York City, visitors will need timed-entry tickets; almost all of them for the first week were snapped up well in advance of next Sunday’s opening. To see the Pentagon Memorial, ( Read more... )

washington d.c., pentagon, 9/11

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Comments 79

triannamaxwell September 9 2011, 16:37:36 UTC
Now to make everyone cry, here are a few oral histories of relatives of those who died in the towers:


potatoboat September 9 2011, 16:53:17 UTC
i saw some of these on pbs and they are gut wrenching


roseofjuly September 9 2011, 21:52:13 UTC
So OT but your icon is fierce


jeterluva September 9 2011, 17:11:40 UTC


ohkimosabe September 9 2011, 16:39:36 UTC
People always forget Boston too. Obviously there wasn't a crash or anything here, but one of the planes left from Logan Airport. :(


sarahsayssoo September 9 2011, 19:29:01 UTC


ohkimosabe September 9 2011, 20:10:05 UTC
A lot of people from Boston were effected as well since one of the planes left Logan. It's not the same magnitude of course as of those in DC and the Pentagon, but I was just mentioning it.


serendipity_15 September 9 2011, 20:00:38 UTC
One of my fellow band members in high school had a dad who was a pilot, he was flying out of Logan that day.


muppetfromhell September 9 2011, 16:50:08 UTC
DC got forgotten about practically while the attacks were going on.


fishphile September 9 2011, 17:16:42 UTC


vanillakokakola September 9 2011, 17:21:24 UTC
i legitimately forgot that a plane hit the pentagon.


jocelyncs September 9 2011, 17:33:07 UTC
I was on Capitol Hill the day of the attack, and I wouldn't say that's the case. Remember that at the time, there were reports coming in about the fourth plane headed for DC and rumors of fires on the National Mall and car bombs at the State Department.

Granted, the image of the two skyscrapers burning and the people jumping out simply IS more intense in many ways. The real horror hit me after we were evacuated to a colleague's house and arrived to see that both towers were down.


baked_goldfish September 9 2011, 16:55:09 UTC
I think the Pentagon memorial was very well done, to be honest. And the NYC memorial will be serving a dual purpose of both memorializing everyone from the 3 sites + the prior WTC attack and educating - things that the Pentagon memorial, because of its location, can't do.


brewsternorth September 9 2011, 17:09:34 UTC
Good point in particular about the NY memorial. It'll be the most accessible of the sites to outsiders. And tbh there are quite a few other ix/xi memorials in other parts of the country devoted to people from these localities who died as a result of the attacks.

Do we know what sort of memorial is going to be placed in Shanksville? I know that there was originally an idea for a beautiful grove of trees, one for each person who died, but the idea was screamed about by the right-wing media because the grove happened to be in the shape of a crescent.


baked_goldfish September 9 2011, 17:20:00 UTC
I thought they'd already started construction in Shanksville? And that part of it was already built, so I don't know how much influence the right-wing media will have.


brewsternorth September 9 2011, 17:28:07 UTC
I guess the issue is that the *coverage* has almost uniquely been confined to NYC as far as I can tell, with comparatively little mentioned about Shanksville or the Pentagon. And this New Yorker is getting more than a little tired of it all.


jeterluva September 9 2011, 16:56:52 UTC
tbh I forget about the other planes until I read something about them or hear them mentioned.


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