Keith's Special Comment to the President

Jul 12, 2011 12:58

Keith Olbermann Issues Blistering Warning To Obama Over Potential Cuts To Social Security And Medicare (VIDEO)

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medicare, social security, keith olbermann, barack obama

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Comments 49

one_hoopy_frood July 12 2011, 17:07:18 UTC
I really missed Keith for moments like these where he says exactly what I'm thinking but a hundred times more eloquently.

It's hard to put aside his history of misogynistic statements, though.


poetic_pixie_13 July 12 2011, 17:09:13 UTC
Oh, Keith. I wish I could quit you.


screamingintune July 12 2011, 17:20:52 UTC
... if this deal with the Republicans takes a dollar away from those people who do not have a dollar to spare while preserving the millions for those who have millions more, if this deal, sir, keeps intact funding the mechanisms we have for killing people while cutting the mechanisms we have for keeping people alive and healthy, then it is a betrayal of everything that makes this country great.

amen to that. I am so disgusted that we're even debating whether we should cut funding to the poor and elderly or tax millionaires more. Like, why is this even a question? People who would rather cut our social safety net than implement taxes to the very wealthy are morally unsound, tbh. They're pro-death and pro-suffering of others. Fiscal conservatism is just as motherfucking evil as social conservatism.


rock_bottom July 12 2011, 17:33:32 UTC
Fiscal conservatism is just as motherfucking evil as social conservatism.

... )


karrixftw July 12 2011, 18:03:06 UTC
Fiscal conservatism is just as motherfucking evil as social conservatism.

THIS times like 6 billion.


leprofessional July 12 2011, 18:48:13 UTC
Fiscal conservatism is just as motherfucking evil as social conservatism.

Neither one is 'evil' when applied correctly. Maintaining a balanced budget and avoiding deficit spending are not bad ideas. Nor is incentivizing industry growth by reducing taxes at the right times and in the right places.

The thing is... Reaganomics, which is the brand of so-called 'fiscal conservatism' Republicans engage in has actually increased debt (Reagan himself took the debt from ~trillion to 3 trillion dollars, 300% increase), hasn't promoted business growth (in fact senseless deregulation has arguably destabilized the system), and really has been a fail overall. I mean hell even GHW Bush called it 'voodoo' economics-- but certainly didn't mind following it.


ceilidh_ann July 12 2011, 17:42:43 UTC
Love it.

I also love that KO continues to pander to fangirls with the purple ties. Well played, sir.


lykomancer July 12 2011, 17:58:20 UTC
That opening three minutes was amazing.


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