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Comments 37

munkykiss July 8 2011, 16:25:17 UTC
hooray my Peruvian brothers and sisters :D


romp July 9 2011, 06:23:02 UTC
That group stands out. So joyful but with almost dour colours.


iolarah July 8 2011, 16:27:00 UTC
I'm still going through the ones I took at the Toronto parade last weekend, but when I'm done, I'll send you the link and by all means, post whichever ones are worth sharing :)


ladypolitik July 8 2011, 16:39:34 UTC
Thank you! <333333


seishin July 10 2011, 03:45:20 UTC
I also have some pics from the Toronto parade; can send them to you if you want to include them in the picspam for TO? :)


iolarah July 12 2011, 11:12:47 UTC
Ok! Took me long enough, but here they are! They're not as good as some I've seen, but I'm pleased with what I got, considering I didn't have a great spot and I should have brought a different lens and a lens hood. Feel free to pick through and post whichever ones you like best :)


poetic_pixie_13 July 8 2011, 16:38:07 UTC
Those are some good looking queer people. /insightful comment

Also, no vulva bread? D=


ladypolitik July 8 2011, 16:47:10 UTC
Also, no vulva bread? D=

mte. I mean, damn, *our* ~goods~ already sound like inherently edible food. Totally meant to be eaten~


barankhy July 8 2011, 16:51:33 UTC
Idk, the word vulva makes me think of either Volvo, or worse, volvox.


ladypolitik July 8 2011, 16:53:25 UTC
Oh, right, right -- see, I was thinking of "vagina", which has always sounded like hearty pasta to me.


the_gabih July 8 2011, 17:27:24 UTC
No love for London? :(


ladypolitik July 8 2011, 21:57:21 UTC
Just not many good pics (yet)!


Translations for the signs in the Turkish Pride marches silmaril July 8 2011, 17:45:06 UTC
From the Istiklal Avenue pictures: The rectangular signs in the first picture are variations on the theme of "I'm your mother, I'm with you" "I'm your sibling, I'm with you" "My child is homosexual" "Leave my child's future alone." The round colorful signs in the later picture have slogans like "We're here, get used to it," "So what if we're queer," "Love is getting organized," "We're gays, we're lesbians." Some signs are in Kurdish, which I don't speak, but I assume they say similar things.

(And one of them makes me very happy: The one that says "Velev ki ibneyiz", that I translated as "So what if we're queer." The word "ibne" is what the word "queer" has been in English for decades: it has been an insult, a very heavy one. Let's just say I would never have voluntarily typed it in my life if I had not seen it on that sign. That sign says "Reclamation ahoy!" to me, which makes me happy, because AFAIK the LGBT movement in North America has been rather successful in reclaiming "gay" and "queer".)


Re: Translations for the signs in the Turkish Pride marches mswyrr July 8 2011, 20:08:13 UTC
;_; Thank you for the translation, those pictures just not EVEN MORE GORGEOUS. Guh.


Re: Translations for the signs in the Turkish Pride marches sesmo July 8 2011, 21:26:38 UTC
Awesome. The fact that they had such a parade in Turkey, AND mixed Kurdish & Turkish, is very heartening. Also, gorgeous.


Re: Translations for the signs in the Turkish Pride marches romp July 9 2011, 06:24:43 UTC
Thank you. Makes them all the more lovely.


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