Scumbag Soulless Tabloid Paper Proves that They Can Sink Lower than Suspected.

Jul 07, 2011 02:47


UK soldiers targeted in Murdoch phone-hacking scandal-media

* Outrage as list of phone-hack victims grows

* Mother of soldier killed in Iraq says "totally disgusted"

* Murdoch keeps low profile at Sun Valley

LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - A phone-hacking scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch's media empire grew on ( Read more... )

wtf, fail, media, terrorism, flames on the side of my face, thank you! fuck you!, tsunami, privacy, rupert murdoch, military, ethics, murder, natural disaster, scandal, national tragedies, evil, corruption, crime, uk

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Comments 18

sephirajo July 7 2011, 14:40:36 UTC
Oh sweet Jesus. I really hope Murdoch's empire burns over this, because FFS, these were people who didn't need to suffer at all, let alone have their privacy invaded like that.


kitschaster July 7 2011, 15:02:53 UTC

... )


paulnolan July 7 2011, 15:05:30 UTC
Disgusting, goes without saying. But I'm kind of surprised that this is what's got people to turn on The Sun & NotW, considering all the other shit they've pulled in the past. (a collection of good examples, parts 1 and 2)


octoberstarlite July 7 2011, 15:08:59 UTC
urgh, ikr? Either way though, i'll take it. I just hope people really do stick to the boycott.


paulnolan July 7 2011, 15:28:10 UTC
Yeah... with any luck this will do for the rest of the country what their Hillsborough coverage did for Liverpool.


erunamiryene July 7 2011, 15:07:03 UTC
It's been a long time since a news story has actually made me nauseated, but this did it.


brewsternorth July 7 2011, 15:23:36 UTC
IKR. I had low expectations of the tabloids, but they've managed to sink below them.

In fact, this morning NPR News's top story was more on this #notw debacle and I just switched the radio straight off.


supermouse July 7 2011, 19:31:04 UTC
I am wondering why I actually was not even a bit surprised. It's not like I always suspected, but... actually, yes, I did suspect. The stories printed have for a long time pointed to moral bankruptcy; the technology to hack phones has been around and is not hard to get hold of; I know sociopaths are not as rare as people think and tend to do well in a cut-throat business environment because they truly do have no shame.

I think what *actually* amazes me is a) they got caught and b) it looks as though Rupert Murdoch *may* actually suffer as a consequence.


octoberstarlite July 7 2011, 15:07:40 UTC
I was watching BBC breakfast this morning and they were talking to a representative from one marketing firm who said all their advertisers who paid for slots in NOTW had pulled out (I think she said it was 7 of her companies but don't quote me on that) and were waiting to see if there is a boycott of the NOTW this Sunday, which there is supposed to be, then they'll transfer their advertising to whatever newspaper seems to pick up the NOTW customers (probably Sunday Mirror or People lets be honest). She also said mumsnet pulled from Sky aswell. I really hope Murdoch gets destroyed in the UK for this. They did say it probably wont sway Camerons opinion on BSkyB for tomorrow though which is just... Idk why it suprised me. It shouldn't.


brewsternorth July 7 2011, 15:42:49 UTC

Trying to recall under which government Murdoch's first attempt at emborgenating BSB (as-was) was slapped down?


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