Scumbag Soulless Tabloid Paper Proves that They Can Sink Lower than Suspected.

Jul 07, 2011 02:47


UK soldiers targeted in Murdoch phone-hacking scandal-media

* Outrage as list of phone-hack victims grows

* Mother of soldier killed in Iraq says "totally disgusted"

* Murdoch keeps low profile at Sun Valley

LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - A phone-hacking scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch's media empire grew on Thursday with claims that Britain's top-selling tabloid may have listened to the voicemail of relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

News International, the parent company of the News of the World tabloid, said it would be contacting the Defence Ministry after a report in the Daily Telegraph that the phone numbers of British soldiers were found in the files of a private investigator jailed for hacking phones.

"If these allegations are true we are absolutely appalled and horrified," it said in a statement.

Rose Gentle, the mother of fusilier Gordon Gentle, killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq's oil port of Basra in 2004, told the BBC she was "totally disgusted" by the allegations.

"I'd never buy that paper again, if this is true, they need to be brought to justice for this, they need to pay for this," she said.

In a further twist to the affair, a spokesman for Finance Minister George Osborne said police had told the minister his name and home phone number were in notes kept by two people jailed for phone hacking.

The scandal, which has cast an unflattering light on the way British tabloid newspapers work, dominated the front pages of almost every major British newspaper on Thursday.

The main allegation is that journalists, or investigators hired by them, took advantage of often limited security on mobile phone voicemail boxes to listen to messages left for celebrities, politicians or people involved in major stories.

The disclosure that the phone hacking involved victims of crime came when it emerged that a private detective working for the News of the World hacked into voicemail messages left on the mobile phone of a murdered schoolgirl while police were searching for her. That allegation caused outrage among Britons and prompted an emergency debate in parliament on Wednesday.

The list of those whose phones may have been hacked continued to grow. It includes victims of the July 7, 2005 London transport bombings, when Islamist suicide bombers killed 52 people, and the parents of Madeleine McCann, a British girl who disappeared in Portugal four years ago.

The Independent carried the headline "Murdoch empire in crisis", while the left-leaning Guardian ran with "The day the prime minister was forced to act on phone hacking."

Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday he was "revolted" by allegations that News of the World investigators eavesdropped on the voicemail of victims of crimes and said he would order an inquiry.

But he resisted calls to put an end to attempts by Murdoch to buy out BskyB , a news and entertainment broadcaster, in which he has a minority stake.

Murdoch, whose News International group is being boycotted by some advertisers and outraged readers, kept a low profile at a Sun Valley conference on Wednesday.

He said earlier he found the allegations of hacking, and reports that journalists also bought information from police, "deplorable and unacceptable". He has appointed News Corp executive Joel Klein to oversee an investigation.

The News of the World's royal correspondent and an investigator were jailed in 2007 for hacking into the phones of royal aides. After campaigning by celebrities and politicians who suspected they too had been spied on, police launched a new inquiry in January.

The News of the World is Britain's best-selling Sunday newspaper, read by some 7.5 million people on sales of 2.6 million. Sales of its daily sister paper the Sun never recovered in Liverpool after it offended the city's football fans in the wake of the 1989 Hillsborough stadium disaster.

Phone hacking: families of war dead 'targeted' by News of the World
The bereaved relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan may have had their phones hacked by a private investigator working for the News of the World.

The Daily Telegraph has learnt that the personal details of the families of servicemen who died on the front line have been found in the files of Glenn Mulcaire, the private detective working for the Sunday tabloid.

The disclosure that grieving relatives of war dead were targets for the newspaper prompted anger among military charities, who said it was a “disgusting and indefensible assault on privacy”.

The Metropolitan Police is facing growing calls from the families of murder victims, those killed in terrorist attacks and those who died in natural disasters, such as the Indonesian tsunami, to disclose if they were targets.

Rebekah Brooks, the former editor of the News of the World and now chief executive of News International, its parent company, faced calls from Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, to step down.

Yesterday The Daily Telegraph disclosed that families of victims of the July 7 bombings were targets for Mulcaire in the days after the atrocity in 2005.

Last night it emerged that among the 7/7 victims who may have had their phones hacked was Paul Dadge, who appeared in one of the most memorable images of the London bombings as he helped Davinia Turrell with a bandaged face at Edgware Road Tube station.

Mr Dadge said he thought his phone may have been hacked because Mrs Turrell would not speak to journalists. “The girl in the photo, Davinia Turrell, because she wasn’t talking to the press, they tried to get at her through me,” he said.

He is one of six relations and victims of the attacks who allegedly had their phones hacked. Graham Foulkes, whose son David was killed in the Edgware Road bomb and Sean Cassidy, whose 22-year-old son Ciaran was killed in the King’s Cross blast, have also been contacted by Scotland Yard. Yesterday other victims said to have been hacked by the newspaper were named by MPs in Parliament.

Chris Bryant, a Labour front bencher, named Danielle Jones, a 15-year-old murdered by her uncle in June 2001, as a potential victim. He also suggested that the phones of individuals linked to the cases of Madeleine McCann, Sarah Payne, and Scotland Yard detectives who worked on the first investigation into phone hacking had been targeted.

Last night soldiers’ charities demanded that the police release the names contained in Mulcaire’s 9,200 pages of records so they can discover whether they were targets.

Col Douglas Young, the chairman of the British Armed Forces Federation, said police were failing families by leaving them in the dark about whether or not they had been targets.

He said he would seek a meeting with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner if families were not told within days whether or not they may have been hacked.

“It is now imperative that the police do follow up and do say as quickly as possible 'we have now contacted everybody involved’ because otherwise it is going to leave a lot of worry and concern,” he said.

A spokesman for the Army Families Federation added: “Families who have endured the loss of their soldier will find this privacy assault disgusting and indefensible, as will all serving personnel who will question the sanctity of their precious phone calls home.”

The disclosure that the News of the World phone hacking involved victims of crime began earlier this week with the revelation that Milly Dowler’s mobile phone voicemails had been intercepted in the days following her disappearance.

Police also confirmed that the families of 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, who were murdered by Ian Huntley in Soham in 2002, had been contacted by detectives in Operation Weeting, the Met’s investigation into phone hacking.

Mr Dadge received an email from the Metropolitan Police informing him that his name had appeared in their records. He said: “I’m disappointed on a personal level to be honest. I have always co-operated with the media in anything they wanted and now to find they might have violated my personal life, it’s not nice.”

Linda Jones, the mother of Danielle, said: “The police have promised to investigate on our behalf and we’re waiting to hear back.

“If we have been targeted then obviously we think we deserve to be told exactly why it was allowed to happen, when it happened and who was responsible.

“This has come out of the blue for us and caused me so much stress. There has to be transparency and there needs to be answers.”

A spokesman for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian man mistakenly shot dead by police after the July 7 bombings, last night confirmed they have asked detectives whether there was any evidence they had been targets. Fiona MacKeown, the mother of 15-year-old Scarlett Keeling, who was raped and murdered in India in 2008, said she had called Scotland Yard to ask if there was any evidence her phone had been hacked.

“It’s ridiculous that people have to go to the cops and ask them for information. If you have been a victim of a crime then you have the right to know, they should just tell you,” she said.

Last night it also emerged that Sion Jenkins, the foster father of murdered Billie-Jo Jenkins, had contacted police believing his phone had been hacked and had been given only a vague answer. Mr Jenkins’s wife, Tina, said: “It’s ridiculous because all the people who have had it confirmed that their voicemails have been broken into have all had money or expensive lawyers. We just want to know the truth.”

Families of the 153 Britons killed in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami are also considering contacting police to find out whether they were targets.

Relations discussed their concerns about the News of the World when they met in London yesterday for the dedication of a memorial to the victims. “If they have broken the law to get details of victims of the July 7 bombings it is obviously a very small step to do the same for the victims of the tsunami,” said Steve Gill, co-chairman of Tsunami Support UK.

He said that the organisation was considering contacting Scotland Yard collectively to find out whether victims had been targets.

The latest revelations came as Mrs Brooks, who was editor of the News of the World at the time, faced growing pressure to step down. She also edited The Sun, another News International title, which championed Help for Heroes, the military charity, and started a military awards ceremony known as “the Millies”.

Colin Myler, the current editor of the News of the World, yesterday told journalists that the paper faced an “extremely painful period ahead”.

wtf, fail, media, terrorism, flames on the side of my face, thank you! fuck you!, tsunami, privacy, rupert murdoch, military, ethics, murder, natural disaster, scandal, national tragedies, evil, corruption, crime, uk

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