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serendipity_15 June 21 2011, 23:59:57 UTC
the whole filarski family is super liberal, and her mom said she became conservative in hs as a way to ~rebel

They must hate inviting her to family gatherings now since I'm sure the chance of it becoming a heated shouting match is high.


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nikoel June 22 2011, 23:09:53 UTC
Doesn't she live in NY? That's super interesting about her coming from a liberal family. I had no idea. I wonder if all the Hasselbecks are conservative.


webbgirl June 21 2011, 23:46:22 UTC
Marriage is the only relationship that actually mirrors a relationship with God - it’s very unique in that way

So what about all those folks who are married who don't believe in God? And what does this have to do with having rights under the law? Why does her narrow religious view get to dictate something that is strictly a matter of law?


sesmo June 22 2011, 00:20:35 UTC
Marriage is like our relationship with God, in that most people don't meet God until they're in their 20s, about half leave God for a different god, and a happy marriage depends on God doing some of the dishes and not leaving his dirty socks on the sofa. Oh yeah, and once you're married to god, you can fuck without feeling guilty.

I love stupid comparisons way too much.


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roseofjuly June 22 2011, 04:07:40 UTC
omg lmao


ghost_busting June 21 2011, 23:47:12 UTC
She would.

"I know David Tyree. I know his heart. He said he has not hate. He loves everyone. He believes everyone is created by God and should be loved as such. He doesn't have bigotry. He truly is just a man who is not a part-time guy following God."

is it just me being over-tired or does none of that make sense?


xforge June 22 2011, 18:02:31 UTC
People always, always say that "I know Xxx Xxx" thing as if they actually do know the person. Always turns out they have either never, ever met the person in question or they saw them for forty seconds at some enormous Hollywood party. What they're actually saying when they say "I know Xxx Xxx" is "They said something I agree with and I want to springboard from what they said to make my own bullshit political/religious/judgemental/asshole point and I don't know the person and couldn't possibly actually give a f**k about them."


teacup_werewolf June 21 2011, 23:47:35 UTC
Sure Tyree doesn't hate anyone...just us queers.



ghost_busting June 21 2011, 23:49:16 UTC
I also do not understand this -

“Marriage is the only relationship that actually mirrors a relationship with God"

like...how? What? Why?


sunoftheskye June 21 2011, 23:52:35 UTC

... )


fishphile June 22 2011, 00:12:51 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the "Christ and his bride (aka The Church)" theory. I think the scripture is more like "husbands love your wives like Christ loves the church", but Christ and his bride is usually how I've seen it interpreted.


roseofjuly June 22 2011, 04:13:19 UTC
Yeah, that's it, it's from one of the books that Paul wrote about the husband being the head of the household as Christ is the head of the church and that he should love and care for his wife as Christ loves and cares for the church, even though he has authority over it. I think the intent was actually for husbands NOT to abuse their presumed authority over their wives.


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