Pap Attack

Jun 21, 2011 14:45

Papantonio: Conservatives Turn Colleges Into Ayn Rand Universities
A few weeks ago, the story broke about how the Koch Brothers had bought themselves a position of influence at Florida State University. But the story goes far beyond both FSU and the Koch Brothers. It turns out that right wing billionaires and think tanks have been actively buying ( Read more... )

college/university, ayn rand, conservatives, libertarians

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Comments 16

poetic_pixie_13 June 21 2011, 21:52:13 UTC
I honestly believe that Ayn Rand was a sociopath. Negl, when I find out that someone is an Objectivist or thinks she was an amazing, visionary philosopher I assume they're selfish assholes and stop associating with them. Which is a useful policy in university.


anese June 21 2011, 22:35:43 UTC
I know a guy that is a complete Ayn Rand devotee. What makes it worse is that he will never have to experience how wrong he is--at any point in his life--

he's 25 year's old, he's white male, tall, handsome, single, no college debt and makes over 125,000/year.

He's literally less than 1% of the population.

I can't talk politics with him--you just can't. He'll never see the world any other way.


green_glitter_ June 22 2011, 13:43:42 UTC
Yeah, I have this friend who's an Ayn Rand fan. His parents are LOADED. Not kind of middle-class well off, but filthy rich. He's also young, white, straight...


sillysallyfckup June 21 2011, 22:59:18 UTC
Same, my old roommate was really into the whole Objectivist way of thinking. He was very... civil, so I was too, but I found most of what he said absolutely abhorrent.

After a while I just stopped talking to him as much, it was a weird living situation.

On another note, he also said we should get a gun for the apartment at one time and I am really, really glad it never happened.


(The comment has been removed)

mswyrr June 22 2011, 03:14:23 UTC


antiotter June 21 2011, 22:44:34 UTC
Ah, the small government, economic messiah who died because the only health insurance she could afford was Medicaid.


kitschaster June 22 2011, 00:10:21 UTC
Oh wow, and here I wanted to attend FSU, but if Koch and the like are now associated with it, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. Ugh. *sighs*


accioceci June 22 2011, 00:10:49 UTC
Besides being disgusting, I side-eye Ayn Rand fans because damnit, she's a BAD writer. From an objective (lol) standpoint, her stories are not well-written. It's like getting moral advice from Twilight- it just makes me very confused.


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