
Jun 21, 2011 09:44

“Get over it.” That’s the ultimate message delivered to Marines by the top non-commissioned officer of the Marine Corps regarding the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT).Sgt. Maj. Michael Barrett was recently chosen to be the senior enlisted adviser to Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos. According to The Wall Street Journal, Sgt. Maj. ( Read more... )

marines, dont ask dont tell

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Comments 13

sarahsayssoo June 21 2011, 18:11:46 UTC
I don't remember the details of previous articles over this survey, but asking a randomly selected small group who it can be reasonably assumed are representative of the whole to complete a survey is standard. That's how surveys and statistics and all that work.


snakeling June 21 2011, 19:02:12 UTC
According to Wikipedia, there are a little under 1.5 million active personel in the US armed forces, which would make a 4% sample about 60 000 people. Considering that most poll/survey groups are about a thousand people, this makes it an exceptionally large sample.


sgrios June 21 2011, 18:12:42 UTC
Well, that's a nice change.


rock_bottom June 21 2011, 18:47:46 UTC
I love your icon!

And agreed.


Thumbs Up! nikoel June 21 2011, 19:14:58 UTC
I'm just here to post my entirely appropriate icon!


colliedlight June 21 2011, 19:34:52 UTC
:D See now, that's how Marines are supposed to handle it. SUCK IT UP.

I also kept reading his name as Majel Barrett. Which was weird. 10 seconds to autodestruct etc.


erinpuff June 21 2011, 21:09:58 UTC
I also kept reading his name as Majel Barrett.

Ha, so did I!


serendipity_15 June 21 2011, 19:56:12 UTC
Get over it… Let’s just move on, treat everybody with firmness, fairness, dignity, compassion and respect. Let’s be Marines

Simple, effective and to the point. Basically what should have been said from the very beginning.


brewsternorth June 21 2011, 20:00:27 UTC
+1. Best speech by an ally since that New York Republican who said "eff it, I'm standing for marriage equality because it's the right thing".


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