America's Top Sekret Mooslims: Anthony Weiner.

Jun 13, 2011 12:31

Rightwinger Reminding America the Dangers of Sekret Mooslims. Stop Hiding!

Neocon flack: Weiner may have converted to Islam
A neoconservative public relations operative argues the Jewish congressman may have converted to Islam

We thought everything that could be said about Anthony Weiner's lewd photo scandal had been said. But Eliana Benador, a ( Read more... )

anthony weiner, muslims, tinhats, right-wing rage pimp

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Comments 17

sephystabbity June 13 2011, 22:49:55 UTC
Because, remember kids, only Mooslim men have cheated on their wives, in all the history of time, EVER!


beoweasel June 13 2011, 23:14:14 UTC
Benador also wonders in the column if Huma has "been groomed to access leading political movers and shakers to advance the cause of Islam in America, including a politically positioned marriage to Congressman Anthony Weiner?"

You know, if 'she had been groomed to get access to political movers and shakers to advance the cause of Islam in America', I would think she would have picked a higher target than a single Representative, particularly one that will probably be phased out, with the next redrawing of the districts.


kyra_neko_rei June 14 2011, 00:24:50 UTC
Oh but don'cha know these are the same people who planted evidence of Barack Obama's American citizenship in the newspapers when he was just a baby so he could grow up and be President. Figuring out in sufficient advance for Huma to meet, seduce, and marry, that Anthony Weiner would be the next major political player to rise through the ranks of the Democrats is a piece of cake in comparison.

They just failed to account for the existence of Twitter.


lonebear June 13 2011, 23:20:36 UTC
He-double hockey sticks. By Traditional Jewish belief systems Anthony Weiner isn't even Jewish anyway.


danceprincess20 June 13 2011, 23:26:05 UTC
Honestly, I'm surprised something like this wasn't written earlier. Sometime last week (I think it was right after his press conference), I had that show "The Talk" on and one of them (I can't remember which one) said something like "Well, his wife is Muslim and grew up in Saudi Arabia and men there marry more than one woman so maybe she is okay with it."


krazykat88 June 14 2011, 00:12:19 UTC
seriously? - I don't (personally) agree with it, but there's a massive difference between polygamy and cheating on your spouse. *facepalm*


echoandsway June 13 2011, 23:55:19 UTC
It is also important, when looking at this situation, to remember that observant Muslims practice Taqiyya , an element of sharia that states there is a legal right and duty to distort the truth to promote the cause of Islam. ...

If you mix juuuust enough accuracy, just a smidgen of fact (i.e., there is a principle called taqiyya which involves concealing your beliefs when in imminent danger -- like, say, you're in the middle of a Reconquista and there's this Inquisition out there, or you're a Shi'ite living under a repressive Sunni regime) in with your bullshit, you, too, can talk as if you're knowledgeable about your subject, and other people will buy it because it sure fits in well with their prejudices. Hell, just repeat what others have already claimed; having someone else say it first makes it sourced, right?

those are words of compromise offered by a leading Muslim Imam trying to make us forget that the Koran actually advocates stoning wives for adultery while turning a blind eye toward the sexual mis-deeds of the husband. Oh ( ... )


kyra_neko_rei June 14 2011, 00:18:27 UTC
those are words of compromise offered by a leading Muslim Imam trying to make us forget that the Koran actually advocates stoning wives for adultery while turning a blind eye toward the sexual mis-deeds of the husband.

Doesn't the Bible do that?


echoandsway June 14 2011, 00:27:46 UTC
But, but...that's different. It's open to interpretation, not meant to be taken literally, or as historic example. It's the Bible; of course it's different!!!

(I just made myself gag)


kyra_neko_rei June 14 2011, 03:58:44 UTC
And at the very same time, the Bible is the true, literal and infallable Word of God, meant to be taken word-for-word. Despite the fact that we eat shellfish, wear mixed fabrics and don't do much loving of most of our neighbors.

(I know, right?)


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