'Koch brothers' confusion results in death threat for Iowa company

May 12, 2011 05:09

A case of mistaken identity has entangled a small family-owned Des Moines company in union protests and led to a death threat ( Read more... )

this is why we cant have nice things, stupid people, iowa, threats, lol wut, dont ask dont tell, incompetence

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Comments 10

ladypeyton May 12 2011, 14:31:43 UTC
Oh christ. Death threats don't help anything and just make the left look like crazy assholes.


echoandsway May 12 2011, 20:22:26 UTC
Angry callers are mistaking Koch Brothers, a Des Moines office supply firm with the brothers who own Koch Industries, the global energy conglomerate

An office supply firm.

The Koch Brothers employ 65 employees in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. Brothers George, William and Frank Koch founded the company in 1889 as a spinoff from the Des Moines Register and Leader’s job printing shop. A small, local, long-established office supply firm.

This one should be GLARINGLY apparent.

Dammit, people, don't be so stupid.


antiotter May 12 2011, 21:24:39 UTC
Just don't send death threats to this Koch brother:

... )


aegis52 May 12 2011, 21:35:18 UTC
What goddamn situation could you possibly land yourself in necessitate a GRENADE MACHINE GUN. It boggles the mind.


lafinjack May 12 2011, 21:38:21 UTC
ms_mmelissa May 12 2011, 23:06:19 UTC
Zombie invasion. Duh.


romp May 13 2011, 05:26:06 UTC
It does sound almost endearing. An Iowa office supply company...that's some pretty bad fail for the googling.


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