Republican Discovers Cheat Code for Unlimited Resources!

Feb 16, 2011 22:22

Jeremiah 2:7 - I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.

GOP Lawmaker Mike Beard Claims God Will Provide Unlimited Natural Resources

Mike Beard, a Republican state representative from Minnesota, recently argued that coal mining should resume in the Land of ( Read more... )

god damn, thank you! fuck you!, environment, pollution, stupid people, god save us from your followers, minnesota, batshit

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Comments 103

darksumomo February 17 2011, 05:35:27 UTC
Mike Beard, a Republican state representative from Minnesota, recently argued that coal mining should resume in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, in part because he believes God has created an earth that will provide unlimited natural resources.

"God is not capricious. He's given us a creation that is dynamically stable," Beard told MinnPost. "We are not going to run out of anything.

Thank you, Mr. Beard, for reminding me why I am not only no longer a Republican, but also an agnostic. Furthermore, the best scientific evidence indicates that you are dead wrong. Finally, you are an idiot.


thepikey February 17 2011, 05:41:30 UTC
How do these guys win ANYTHING, EVER?



louisadkins February 17 2011, 10:06:22 UTC
Because some people want to believe, badly, that he's right.


homasse February 17 2011, 05:43:33 UTC
Excuse me, I have to just sit here with my face in my hands for a few moments.


felicitea February 17 2011, 06:03:47 UTC
Exactly how I feel.


lykomancer February 17 2011, 05:43:59 UTC
Goddammit, why are so many of our politicians CRAZY? Is it the long winters/cabin fever, or WHAT?


entropius February 17 2011, 06:12:38 UTC
It's that fundamentalist Christians can be made to vote as a bloc by dangling a fetus-shaped carrot in front of them. Whacking them on the butt with a stick and telling them that it's the threat of surprise buttsex from Teh Evul Gays also works pretty well.

If you rile them up enough you can get them to give lots of money for shiny television ads with waving flags and vague militaristic overtones, which will then make the part of our country that's not terribly religious but who think that anything's good as long as it involves giving something associated with the military a blowjob to also vote as part of the same bloc.

You asked.


carmy_w February 17 2011, 16:11:26 UTC
Great summation!


crossfire February 17 2011, 16:55:11 UTC
Yeah, pretty much.


unholygrace February 17 2011, 05:47:59 UTC
...Seriously? I just. What?


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