Senator Jim Webb announces retirement plans

Feb 09, 2011 13:07

By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent

WASHINGTON - Democratic Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia announced plans to retire at the end of his term, deepening the challenge to his party as it struggles to maintain a majority in 2012 elections.

In an e-mail announcement, Webb said he would return to the private sector, but offered no additional details of ( Read more... )

jim webb, virginia, democrats, democratic party, elections, george allen

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Comments 17

hyuga February 9 2011, 18:36:43 UTC
Meh. Sounds to me like he has every intention of remaining involved in the issues that affect the well-being and the future of his bank account (and perhaps dignity, if he thinks he can't win reelection).


newantt February 9 2011, 18:38:11 UTC
As a Virginian, I can't say that I loved him or anything, but do we have anyone else to run in his place? I will be fucking PISSED if this state re-elects that racist asshole George Allen.

Tim Kaine?


ouronlylight February 9 2011, 18:45:07 UTC
Isn't he DNC chair right now, though? I don't know how long that position lasts, but if it's over soon he would be good, I think (in comparison, virtually anybody would be better than Allen).


newantt February 9 2011, 22:00:42 UTC
If he has a chance at winning the seat he should resign and run. Let the vice-chairs take over (Donna Brazile is one <3) or a new election for the chair.


brewsternorth February 9 2011, 18:42:53 UTC
Who'd be in the running to replace Conrad in N.D., I wonder?


(The comment has been removed)

ouronlylight February 9 2011, 19:29:20 UTC
IDK, but it wouldn't surprise me. I was doing research for a paper last semester on women in the military, and I found all of these opinions of his from the '80s about how having women in the military would ruin morale/destroy women's femininity/etc. :/


roguebelle February 9 2011, 19:27:59 UTC

Could we just decide to give Warner two votes? I think I'd be okay with him representing me twice.


blackjedii February 9 2011, 23:05:01 UTC
<3 <3 <3


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