These are the best places to find out what is going on in Egypt. Btw, Egypt is now 100% disconnected from the world as Noor group was disconnected Monday. Right now numerous Arabic tv stations are carrying Al-Jazeera Arabic on their sat signals. They are making sure that the world and Egypt sees this.
U.S. Interests in Egypt: A Proposed Statement of U.S. Policy <- January 31, 2011
Open letter to Obama signed by hundreds of US academics calling on him to end the life-support to Hosni Mubarak.
Pictures of Egypt Protests Tools:
Google Docs list of missing peoplePirate Pad <- list of contacts, tools, first aid tips, items to spread
Telecomix <- Ham Radio, dial-up tools, etc
Telecomix <- How To Wiki to get online
Mashable <- Tips on how to use Tor, Proxies, and VPN
Google phone-in for twitter workaround Google listed the following numbers for people to use the service: +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855.
Live footage: <- Live
Al-Jazeera is still broadcasting. I guess you can consider them a pirate tv station now.
AL-BAB <- Guardian's editor Brian Whitaker blog updates with conversations from friends in Egypt
Live audio messages <- since Al Jazeera is now operating as a pirate tv station in Egypt
Tuesday protestsMonday protestsSunday protestsSaturday protestsFriday protests live-blogAnger in Egypt page <- page dedicated to the protests
Map of the 'day of wrath' throughout Egypt <- Where the protests happened in the nation
Timeline of the past five days of demostrationsGallery of photos of the protestsAl Jazeera tweets Arabist <- leading English language blog on the Arab world
The Atlantic
Tuesday protestsMonday protestsSunday protestsSaturday protestsanother Saturday protest live-blogFriday protestsAndrew Sullivan <- blogging on Egypt
What Obama can do to save EgyptA chart on freedom in the world Council on Foreign Relations
5 things you need to know about the Egyptian army The Daily Beast
Egypt protests page Democracy Now!
Egypt page Enduring America
Tuesday protestsMonday protestsSunday protestsMore on Saturday's protestsSaturday's protestsA beginners guide to how did it come to thisMore on Friday's protestsFriday's protests Egypt special on 4 point guide to US plans for getting Mubarak out Global Voices
Egypt protests 2011 page The Guardian
Tuesday protestsMonday protestsSunday protestsSaturday's protestsWikiLeak's live-blog on Egypt cables Friday's protestsEgypt pageEgypt protests page Huffington Post
Egypt protests page Human Rights Watch
Egypt live updates The Lede
Tuesday protestsMonday protestsSunday's protestsSaturday's protestsFriday's protestsNew York Times visual map of protests <- photos and videos from locations on map
One large live-post on all the protests since FridayMubarak's Human Rights Record The Nation (written by Sharif Kouddous who is in Cairo, Egypt now)
Sunday protests Saturday protests NPR
Tuesday protestsEgypt protests page NYPost
Egypt protests put spotlight on Al-Jazeera blackout in US WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks Egypt cables from Friday Tweeters to follow
@SultanAlQassemi <- blogger for UAE news paper The National
@waelabbas <- Wael Abbas (Arabic)
@RHelmii <- Rowand Helmii Egyptian blogger
@jan25live <- telegraphs messages from inside Arbic media (as such beware of off sounding reports)
@Jan25voice <- telegraphs messages from inside Egypt
@shadihamid <- Expert with family/friends in Egypt
@hebamorayef <- Human Rights Watch Libya/Egypt
@ElBaradei <- Mohamed ElBaradei (future President of Egypt?)
@monaeltahawy <- Mona Eltahawy reporter
@weddady <- weddady Egyptian blogger
Journalists in Egypt:
@nolanjazeera <- Dan Nolan Al-Jazeera reporter
@evanchill <- Evan Hill Al-Jazeera reporter
@adamkary <- Adam Makary Al-Jazeera producer
@SherineT <- Sherine Tadros Al-Jazeera reporter
@glcarlstrom <- Gregg Carlstrom Al-Jazeera reporter
@RawyaRageh <- Rawya Rageh Al-Jazeera reporter
@AymanM <- Ayman Mohyeldin Al-Jazeera reporter
@AlJEnglish <- Al-Jazeera English twitter
@AJELive <- Al Jazeera English Live tweets
ABC News:
@camapour <- ABC's Christiane Amanpour
@LaraABCNews <- Lara Setrakian ABC News reporter
@KiritRadia_ABC <- Kirit Radia ABC News reporter
@LamaHasan <- Lama Hasan ABC News reporter
@MarquardtA <- Alexander Marquardt ABC news reporter
@jrug <- Jonathan Rugman reporter in Cairo
@benCNN <- Ben Wedeman CNN reporter in Cairo
@NicRobertsonCNN <- Nic Robertson CNN reporter
@AlMasryAlYoum_E <- English Edition of Egypt's independent daily Al-Masry Al-Youm
@AlArabiya Eng <- Egyptian news media
@richardengelnbc <- NBC's Richard Engel
@sharifkouddous <- Sharif Kouddous reporter for Democracy Now! in Cairo (updates often)
Other Media:
@arabist <- leading English language blog on the Arab world
@mwhanna1 <- blogger who is translating Arabic messages
@RichSanchezTV <- Rich Sanchez is retweeting tweets he gets about Egypt
@EANewsFeed <- Enduring America's news feed twitter
@enduringamerica <-Enduring America's twitter
@nprpolitics <- NPR
@thelede <- The Lede's twitter
@JShahryar <- Josh Shahryar reporter
@ASLANmedia <- Reza Aslan reporter
@abuaardvark <- Marc Lynch reporter for Foreign Policy
@londonstani <- Amil Khan reporter
@Max_Fisher <- Max Fisher reporter for The Atlantic
@octavianasr <- Octavia Nasr reporter?
@TheNewsBlotter <- Chris reblogs news
@ioerror <- Jacob Annelbaum activists with WikiLeaks
#Jan25 Egypt Tuesday
#Jan28 Egypt Friday
#Jan29 Egypt Saturday
#Jan30 Egypt Sunday/Sudan
#Jan31 Egypt Monday
#Feb01 Egypt Tuesday
#Feb3 Yemen
#Feb5 Syria
#Feb12 Algeria
#Feb14 Bahrain
#Feb30 Libya
Hosni Mubarak Egyptians Egypt #Egipto Cairo Tahrir Square #DayofRage Nilesat I'm posting this because the Egypt live-posts have stopped and today is a major movement in Egyptian history.
I think we will witness Mubarak leaving Egypt either today or by Friday. The people are now camping in Tahrir Square and across Egypt in protest places and they refuse to leave until Mubarak leaves.
No one is working. The economy of Egypt has halted and will not be restarted until Mubarak leaves.
This is my contact list from my LJ, DW, and IJ. I update there when I find new information. But I'm mainly focused on inside information and live-posts not articles on the protests themselves. Thus this is more as-it-happens reporting then anything.
You can post any articles, pictures, video you wish in the comments.
Let's make this a bursting revolution live-post. Because the end of a dictatorship is nigh.