No survivors for the Pike River Disaster

Nov 24, 2010 01:22

Where Chile was lucky, New Zealand was not. The 29 men trapped underground in the Pike River mine are presumed dead after an explosion.

Pike River: Families in 'absolute despair'Grey District Mayor Tony Kokshoorn said families of the 29 Pike River mine victims who perished in today's second blast fell to the floor screaming and were in "absolute ( Read more... )

new zealand, working class, labor, mining

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Comments 10

rayiroth November 24 2010, 15:57:29 UTC
True. It's so easy to mistake the Chile incident as the norm, rather than a miracle.

My thoughts are with the families and friends of the people who passed. 8C


blunder_buss November 24 2010, 16:22:47 UTC
Yeah, my dad is a mining engineer himself, and I asked him what he thought. The fact that there is STILL no contact, plus it was a methane explosion ... yeeeeaaaaahh. It's incredibly bleak.

It's things like this that remind me that I'm kinda lucky that my dad lived through his time underground. :/

The next thing to do, now, is to find out what the hell caused it and if anyone is responsible, nail their asses to the wall with manslaughter.


felicitea November 24 2010, 19:34:34 UTC
"if anyone is responsible, nail their asses to the wall with manslaughter."



mercaque November 24 2010, 16:59:10 UTC
This is just horrible.


brewsternorth November 24 2010, 18:17:10 UTC
Heard about this on the BBC News last night. ;_; All that waiting and hoping, and then - this.


rexona_woman November 24 2010, 18:40:27 UTC
It's really, really tragic. I've been following this since it happened (I live in New Zealand) and I hope that they're able to get the bodies back out soon..


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