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Comments 43

mercurychaos July 22 2010, 14:16:49 UTC
I don't always like Keith. But when he gets it right, he fucking gets it right.


alicebluegown16 July 22 2010, 14:26:48 UTC
I was ridiculously pleased when he mentioned Van Jones as everyone seems to forget this isn't the first time the Obama admin has thrown someone under the bus after pressure from Fox News.

He hit on every thing that angered me about this whole clusterfuck: the complete and utter failure of the media to demonstrate any sort of modicum of journalistic curiousity or you know, basic critical thinking skills, how Obama has been despined and managed and focused group to death, how disgusting it is that everyone fell for this shitbag hook, line, and sinker when he's proven time and again to be less than truthful, how disturbing it is that Fox even has this sort of influence.

And then his wonderful classy apology to Ms. Sherrod and oh, Keith! Sometimes you make me eyeroll with your Edward R. Murrow hard on, but when you get it right, you really get it right.


ellenel13 July 22 2010, 14:40:29 UTC
I don't always like Keith, but sometimes he says everything I wish I was eloquent enough to say.

It's shit like this why I'm so disillusioned with Obama. The legislative failures I can explain alway. I don't hold Obama responsible for how fucked up Congress is but every time Obama bows down to the bullshit from Fox News I lose a little more faith in him. I just don't understand what the fuck he's doing. The people Fox News caters to are never going to vote for him or agree with him. To them, he'll always be the Kenyan-Muslim usurper. The easiest way Obama can gain political capital with liberals is to at least stand up to fucking Fox fucking News.


screamingintune July 22 2010, 14:56:44 UTC
What Obama is doing is trying to win the people he will never win over. I appreciate what he's trying to do, but it's like he lives in some magical world where the last ~50 years of increasingly intense political division (which can be traced to the Civil Rights movement as its origin) can be healed away during a Presidency. It's just such an impractical thing, because time and again he's had his hand swatted away every time he tries to extend it.


randomneses July 22 2010, 18:06:11 UTC
IA. I want him to get over it.


screamingintune July 22 2010, 18:08:07 UTC
I think it's nice that he's trying, but it's just more than anyone can tackle during one Presidency. If we are ever to become less divided as a country, it's going to happen very, very slowly.


erunamiryene July 22 2010, 14:41:47 UTC
Hot damn. I was only 2 minutes into it and staring at my screen in awe.

This one ranks right up there with his hour-long comment on health care, IMO.


ceilidh_ann July 22 2010, 14:49:34 UTC
I think this is in my top 3 comments with his hour long healthcare one and the Prop 8 one.

Yes, I have a top 3 Special Comment list, what's weird about that? *shifty eyes*


erunamiryene July 22 2010, 14:51:46 UTC
Oh damn, I missed the Prop 8 one. I'll have to go check that out.


gretchystretchy July 22 2010, 15:00:29 UTC
Oh, the Prop 8 one was perfection. ♥


screamingintune July 22 2010, 14:51:36 UTC
I really liked the parts where he touched on how the left essentially enables the media. It's SO fucking true. The right has been crowing for decades at some supposed intense liberal bias that doesn't exist. And the reaction from the MSM has been to either A) move further right or B) insert a false parity. It's like so much of the media has forgotten that while there might be two sides to every story, sometimes the validity of those sides are not equal at all. Sometimes one of those sides is insane and hateful, and just because they existed doesn't mean they need to be validated. It doesn't mean you have to give them a forum to speak. Sometimes the truth is just the truth.

Also loved the digs at Rahm Emanuel. Honestly I think making Rahm his chief of staff is the absolute worst decision Obama made going into his presidency. Shit, most people on the left don't even like Rahm (creepy fangirls notwithstanding), and no one on the right likes him either because A) he's a Democrat and B) he's abrasive as hell. So why Obama ( ... )


someohiogirl July 22 2010, 15:16:17 UTC
Took the words right out of my mouth.


lemonsherry July 22 2010, 16:33:46 UTC
thanks for beautifully articulating everything i've been feeling.


girlthatyoufear July 22 2010, 16:34:07 UTC
Sadly, amen to all this. I wish people would realize the weakness of the right as you mentioned though:

After all, the right loses its power if it can't keep its people constantly afraid.


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