BP's Photoshopped Command Center Just The Latest In A Pattern Of Deception

Jul 20, 2010 12:49

The latest curio in the ongoing exhibition of BP obfuscation comes via John Aravosis at AmericaBlog, who examined an image from BP's website and determined it to be a fake. The image depicts BP's "Command Center" in Houston, where ever-vigilant BP employees sit in a dark room, monitoring screens. BP's website has been running a photo in which three ( Read more... )

wtf, fail, bp, photoshop disasters, oil

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Comments 32

4eyedblonde July 20 2010, 16:56:55 UTC
best shoop ever.


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ubiquitous_a July 20 2010, 17:15:53 UTC
It was a joke from the AmericaBlog entry showing how bad a photoshop job the BP pictures were. I couldn't resist adding the MST3K version they used at the end of their entry. Too priceless!


escherichiacola July 20 2010, 17:18:18 UTC
MST3K shop is win


nrchst July 20 2010, 17:21:22 UTC
Omg these fuckers, this shit makes me so mad. aslkdjjjjjjjjjjl3kj4l23kj444


keeperofthekeys July 20 2010, 17:23:27 UTC
I see Iran and BP have been sharing technology...


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