A little bit of clarity on the situation in Georgia.

Aug 10, 2008 12:45

First, I think some history is needed ( Read more... )

russia, ussr, georgia (the country)

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Comments 77

7950 August 10 2008, 21:32:32 UTC
I wasn't aware Kosovo was ours to give. The non-Serbian citizens, at least, are pretty damn thrilled to have THEIR self-determination back...


ja_va August 10 2008, 21:36:04 UTC
Don't be so naive, if it wasn't for the US and other Western countries Kosovo would never stand a chance. Serbians were pretty much forced to give it up.
Self determination- I am sure South Ossetians would be thrilled to have THEIRS.


7950 August 10 2008, 21:39:00 UTC
and these "breakaway" provinces would have what chance against Georgia without Russia?

don't project your frustration and opinions onto my reply. unlike you, I'm not imposing any judgment on which side is right or wrong in this conflict, only on your slanted editorializing.


ja_va August 10 2008, 21:45:08 UTC
and these "breakaway" provinces would have what chance against Georgia without Russia

And how is it relevant? We either support their right for self determination or we don't. And if we don't, than what was it with Kosovo? A joke?

I am sorry if I seem "to project frustration", but the issue seem to be rather appauling.


to_biased August 10 2008, 21:54:17 UTC
I agree that South Ossetia and Abkhazia should have their right to become independent states. And of course I agree that Georgia should stop terrorizing these places.

But if Russia's sole interest is protecting the people of South Ossetia, why are they bombing Georgian cities? And if Russia wanted South Ossetia to become independent, why are they handing out Russian citizenships without any preconditions to whoever wants them. That certainly hasn't helped calming down the region. If Putin (this whole thing has made it even more obvious that Medvedev is not the commander in chief) is really interested in Human Rights, I'll eat my hat. He's interested in protecting his influence in the area, not the people living there.


ja_va August 10 2008, 22:01:09 UTC
Russia is no angel, of course. It was annoyed at Georgia for a long time. And- yes, it wants South Ossetia to join Russian Federation. Of course, it is also what South Ossetians want themselves.
Nobody is interested in human rights here, but I am appauled at the bias in US media and at the so-clearly-politically-motivated position of the US government, showing double standard.
How can we (and by "we" I mean the United States) claim any kind of moral right to be judging international problems and defend the democracy if we are no better than any other country- protecting OUR OWN INTEREST at any cost? Let's just admit it, than, and stop pretending to be "above everybody else" on subjects of justice and human rights.


j_daisy August 10 2008, 23:25:42 UTC
How can we (and by "we" I mean the United States) claim any kind of moral right to be judging international problems and defend the democracy if we are no better than any other country- protecting OUR OWN INTEREST at any cost? Let's just admit it, than, and stop pretending to be "above everybody else" on subjects of justice and human rights.This is what is confusing for me. I don't understand how the U.S. (I'm American too, BTW) can maintain its position in Iraq and Afghanistan to maintain peace and rebuild the nations, and also tell Russia to get out of South Ossetia ( ... )


ja_va August 11 2008, 17:50:49 UTC
Yes, exactly. If someone is to watch, say, CBS Nightly News, he or she will most likely get an idea that: Russia suddenly and without any excuse attacked peaceful country of Georgia for wanting to join the NATO, and should IMMEDIATELY WITHDRAW, end of story.
This is why I felt like some clarification is needed, and thank God we have internet and communities like this to voice what we feel is missing, otherwise it would be like Big Brother times with the News feeding you whatever they want and forming "the public opinion".


The truth about Georgian war is here: well1972 August 11 2008, 00:13:40 UTC
The truth about Georgian war is here:


The world agencies do not tell the significant facts of the war in South Ossetia.
The site is in English and is made by independent people who want to let the world
know the TRUTH. It is up to us to stop the war that was started by Georgia. Please help to spread this address to as much people as you can.


squid_ink August 11 2008, 01:11:35 UTC
don't be so naive.. this is all about oil and it's distribution and about rebuilding the Soviet Union to its old state.

get a clue.


ja_va August 11 2008, 18:17:56 UTC
I am concerned with the American reaction a lot more than with the intentions of other sides. Rebuilding the Soviet Union may be the long term goal, but the attack was initiated by Georgia and it is a fact.


I hate to be the ignorant one here ididthatonce August 11 2008, 02:57:29 UTC
But the whole situation is completely going over my head. Would anyone be able to give me a quick summary or point me in the right direction to some background info? Idk where to even start.


Re: I hate to be the ignorant one here ja_va August 11 2008, 18:50:39 UTC
I was hoping this is exactly what I did :)

Any particular part you want to ask about?


Re: I hate to be the ignorant one here ididthatonce August 11 2008, 19:07:32 UTC
I'm just not digesting information lately, tbh.

I understand the origins of the conflict (land conflict, etc.), but I don't really get the "spark." Did Georgia or Russia just march into the other's territory and start freaking out, or was it more gradual?

And how did the disputed land come about? Who claimed it when the USSR broke up?


Re: I hate to be the ignorant one here ja_va August 12 2008, 18:49:30 UTC
Georgia attacked South Ossetia, breakaway region ( ... )


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