Word to your Speaker

Jul 30, 2009 13:36

Pelosi: Health Insurance Companies The Real "Villains"

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nancy pelosi, blue dogs, congress, health care, insurance

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acmeeoy July 30 2009, 18:43:51 UTC
Dare him to say that to citizens of the UK and Canada.


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screamingintune July 30 2009, 19:31:03 UTC
For every "zomg socialized medicine" horror story there are probably a thousand American horror stories. Including my own. I'm 30 years old and I walk with a limp because a foot injury eight years ago was never properly treated because -- you guessed it -- no insurance. That injury has impacted my life so negatively in the past eight years.

And if I'd lived in Canada when it happened, I would have been able to get the treatment I needed.

IDK, personal stories always seem to be the most effective to me. I mean, I work hard, 40+ hours every week, but my job can't afford health care because it's a small business and no insurance company would take me independently with my years of pre-existing, untreated conditions behind me since I didn't have insurance.


GET IT NANCY zfishcake15 July 30 2009, 18:44:48 UTC

... )


ahtefeh July 30 2009, 18:44:51 UTC
Oh I read that as "victims" and was sooo disappointed for a second. I was about to say, "not you Nancy."

Of course they gonna do everything they can to stop this.


popehippo July 30 2009, 18:46:57 UTC
I get the horrible feeling that they are going to twist that quite badly. But zomg, ilu Nancy.


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keeperofthekeys July 30 2009, 18:58:28 UTC
They're changing it because you're actually using the coverage they offer. And now that's costing them money. They don't give a crap about your well-being, that's not their job. Their job is making money.


nothingmuch July 30 2009, 20:23:18 UTC


squid_ink July 30 2009, 18:58:30 UTC
thats okay.. my old insurance company (when I self payed) just announced A they're proposing increases averaging 23 percent and ranging as high as 32 percent for people under 65 who bought individual plans on their own.

if I was changing 'age range' it may well have been a 40% increase.

thank $DIETY$ I have insurance through a job now. I would NOT be able to afford that

of course I just found out in 2005 I have a congenital condition so Anthem would just reject me flat out now, anyway


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