Word to your Speaker

Jul 30, 2009 13:36

Pelosi: Health Insurance Companies The Real "Villains"

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nancy pelosi, blue dogs, congress, health care, insurance

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acmeeoy July 30 2009, 18:43:51 UTC
Dare him to say that to citizens of the UK and Canada.


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screamingintune July 30 2009, 19:31:03 UTC
For every "zomg socialized medicine" horror story there are probably a thousand American horror stories. Including my own. I'm 30 years old and I walk with a limp because a foot injury eight years ago was never properly treated because -- you guessed it -- no insurance. That injury has impacted my life so negatively in the past eight years.

And if I'd lived in Canada when it happened, I would have been able to get the treatment I needed.

IDK, personal stories always seem to be the most effective to me. I mean, I work hard, 40+ hours every week, but my job can't afford health care because it's a small business and no insurance company would take me independently with my years of pre-existing, untreated conditions behind me since I didn't have insurance.


wickerpplking July 31 2009, 09:09:38 UTC
why aren't there health insurance plans that actually act like insurance against major accidents? I can understand companies not wanting to give you insurance and paying doctor fees and what not ... it'd be like getting flood insurance after Katrina gave your home a bath. why can't you afford it? and, better question, why should other people have to pay for you? they don't know you, they don't know how you got injured. that's the premise of these other health care models: collectivism. I don't see how you can have a free country yet have forced collectivism existing in a number of major parts of your life.


screamingintune July 31 2009, 10:57:27 UTC
why aren't there health insurance plans that actually act like insurance against major accidents?

I have no fucking idea. I guess because the lolfree market does whatever the fuck it wants when left unregulated to go wild? BUT HEY AT LEAST THEY'RE NOT BEING OPPRESSED BY BIG MEAN GUV'MINT!!!!11

I can understand companies not wanting to give you insurance and paying doctor fees and what not ... it'd be like getting flood insurance after Katrina gave your home a bath.

I can understand me not wanting to be polite to you. So a fucking piece of marble fell on my foot because someone else dropped it there and now you think I don't deserve insurance? Oh, there are so many ways I can say "fuck you," but which one shall I choose? Do you think I didn't have insurance when I injured because I didn't want it? Jesus fucking christ, get a goddamn clue. Seriously.

why can't you afford it?

Because I make ten fucking dollars an hour and my employer doesn't offer insurance, asshole.

and, better question, why should other people have to ( ... )


wickerpplking July 31 2009, 12:25:31 UTC
I have no fucking idea. I guess because the lolfree market does whatever the fuck it wants when left unregulated to go wild? BUT HEY AT LEAST THEY'RE NOT BEING OPPRESSED BY BIG MEAN GUV'MINT!!!!11

it's possible it's not profitable. it's not something I've investigated, but it is something I've heard discussed. I'd imagine it'd be a cheaper option than most programs, only covering the extreme. Doctor visits and the like would be out of pocket expenses ... but of course there are a bevy of reasons why that might not be practical. I'm not sure if I've ever even seen a bill from a physician I've seen, just whatever I'd paid as my co-pay. As far as I know, doctors get by charging as much as they do because insurance companies have made it common practice to pay the vast majority of it. They don't have to take into account what the average person could (or would be willing to) pay out of pocket (if they had to).

I can understand me not wanting to be polite to you. So a fucking piece of marble fell on my foot because someone else dropped ( ... )


screamingintune July 31 2009, 13:56:31 UTC
I wasn't injured at work, I was injured helping my brother move. And guess what, he didn't have the money or insurance to cover it, either. Should I sue my brother?

So am I supposed to pity you or just subsidize you? I'm not going to be purposefully mean like you ... but find a job that pays more? You said you were, what, 30 years old in your initial post? Where the fuck did you go wrong that you're making $10/hr without benefits?

Hey guess what, you miserable piece of shit, instead of answering your invasive personal questions, how about if I ask you where you went wrong that you're such a fucking reprehensible asshole? Seriously, I always assume lolbertarians have no decency, but it's nice to get confirmation once in a while. I'm sure you've never had to deal with real problems in your privileged little life and you have no fucking concept how things get hard for people, how shit happens, how LIFE happens. So tell me, how did you get to be such a dick?

Still, you don't address the question of why I or anyone else who doesn ( ... )


wickerpplking July 31 2009, 20:34:54 UTC
I wasn't injured at work, I was injured helping my brother move. And guess what, he didn't have the money or insurance to cover it, either. Should I sue my brother?

I don't think his insurance would have covered it anyway. Considering it ruined your life for the last 8 years as you say, hopefully he's been busting his ass this whole time to save up money where he can in the hope that he could help you. If not then he deserves the sparkly penis fuck-you iconography I was graciously presented at the end of your reply.

Hey guess what, you miserable piece of shit, instead of answering your invasive personal questions, how about if I ask you where you went wrong that you're such a fucking reprehensible asshole?My father is/was an asshole, so I think I inherited it from him. Put downs, telling you you were a worthless piece of shit, etc. So I learned from a pro. It did take some personal dedication; I don't want him to get all the credit ( ... )


syndicalist July 31 2009, 23:27:52 UTC
wickerpplking is like some sort of super-obnoxious cocktail of Asperger's Syndrome meets Frederic von Hayek's retarded younger brother.

Yeah, you're a drag on society. That doesn't mean we should make being a drag on society an entitlement.

... )


wickerpplking July 31 2009, 20:35:25 UTC
FYI, I am starting college in the fall. With lots of socialist student loans and federal grants to back me up. THANKS FOR THE TAX DOLLARS!! Yeah baby, I'm going to be swimming in delicious, ill-gotten collectivist dollars that the government stole from your oh-so-hard-earned paychecks, mmmmm.First off, you're welcome. Second, if there was ever an institution to be labeled greedy, it's colleges with the excessive amts they charge in tuition where the system has had to adapt to this "you need a loan to afford it". You'll also take comfort that I think the activist branches of the government in the form of Americore (and others) offer to cancel out loan debt if you give them something like 10 years of service ... lobbying and bullshit, something you have a background in ( ... )


syndicalist July 31 2009, 23:12:35 UTC
You have no use for people not willing to bow down to subsidize you, so you hate them. You exist to take from others. Noble. I hope you don't breed.

Yet more evidence that many people adopt a cloak of Randian-type free market fanaticism because it provides them with a decent rationale to go around acting like a haughty douchebag.

Well played, sir, well played.


syndicalist July 31 2009, 07:04:32 UTC
He seems to think what is being proposed is a choice between the American or British health care system. That is not what is not the proposal on the floor. What is being offered is a choice between the US health care system as it is now - thank God there's no horror stories there! - and one with a public option along side private insurance options. That is not exactly what England, or Canada or Australia, or, or, etc. has. It is its own beast ( ... )


wickerpplking July 31 2009, 09:28:10 UTC
60% of household bankruptcies ... that's a meaningless number unless you analyze all the cases. was someone already in a shit situation and the medical debt put them seriously over the top? are they spendaholics? a better question is why are these procedures so fucking expensive and what can be done to lower costs (other than just not paying those providing the service ( ... )


syndicalist July 31 2009, 23:11:09 UTC
60% of household bankruptcies ... that's a meaningless number unless you analyze all the cases.

LOL. It's not meaningless at all. To the cntrary, it's a pretty frightening number.

Bankruptcies due to medical bills increased by nearly 50 percent in a six-year period, from 46 percent in 2001 to 62 percent in 2007, and most of those who filed for bankruptcy were middle-class, well-educated homeowners, according to a report that will be published in the August issue of The American Journal of Medicine.

That study came out a couple of months ago. I am sure it was very popular among Objectivist and Libertarian Party-type websites. You asked questions about the metholody. If you asked them in good faith and are really concerned, I'd Google the study and check out the methodology myself.

2x as much 9GDP spent on health care vs. other Western nations] ... what does that mean? It means that the average OECD country, all of whom have universal health care, spend on the average 8% of GDP on health care costs, while the US is by far and away ( ... )


samanarana July 30 2009, 20:42:43 UTC
Canada's health care system dictates that optometry be entirely private...so he might not want to ask the hard-of-seeing folks (like myself) there. >____>


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