A Push for Prison Reform

Mar 26, 2009 16:44

A follow up to my home girl schmiss's entry in Dec.

Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) will launch an effort to reform the nation's prison system today at noon, his staff says, introducing a bill--the National Criminal Justice Act of 2009--that would create a bipartisan commission on reform. The commission would undertake an 18-month review of the U.S. prison system, ( Read more... )

race / racism, jim webb, drugs, virginia, crime, justice

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Comments 18

hellooo March 27 2009, 00:32:22 UTC
I love my senator.


justabwaybaby March 27 2009, 00:39:31 UTC
Yay, Webb!!! :)

Now if Warner would leave the "conservadems," I'd be very happy....


schmiss March 27 2009, 00:44:58 UTC
Warner being on the conservadems doesn't really bother me as much as some of the other ones. I guess cause he actually has a business background, and he's not quite as moronic and wishy-washy about his ~radical centrism~ as certain other senators I could name. Granted I would love for him to shift to the left over time but I'm willing to be patient.


___closetome March 27 2009, 00:40:20 UTC
GEO Group isn't going to be too happy about this.


schmiss March 27 2009, 00:43:03 UTC

If Specter seriously co-signs onto this, I will appreciate him SO MUCH. <3


bispo March 27 2009, 00:44:24 UTC
/me ^5 schmiss


schmiss March 27 2009, 00:46:46 UTC
I am so *___* over Jim Webb, and this time nobody can accuse me of being in it for the sexiness (because let's face it, dude looks like a cross between Seth Rogen and an angry potato).


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alicebluegown16 March 27 2009, 00:49:40 UTC
like i didn't already heart the man hardcore for his g.i. bill (and that whole almost punching out dubya thing.)

rock on, jim!


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