Stimulus update!

Feb 11, 2009 22:43

Congress Reaches Deal on Stimulus Plan

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stimulus, nancy pelosi, timothy geithner, congress, harry reid, susan collins, barack obama

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Comments 23

cookie_nut February 12 2009, 04:49:07 UTC
Honestly, all they need to worry about are their 3 Republican allies. Damn everyone else and pass it.

Besides, if things go well, there's no way they'll be able to take credit for them. The way things have been going, it will probably be just one more thing to blow up in their faces come election time.


stardust9121 February 12 2009, 04:52:38 UTC
While I'm glad something has finally passed, I'm right there with the Democrats who are pissed off at how pared down it now is.

I mean, who thinks it's a good idea to cut the parts funding schools and health care? On what planet does that sound like a bad idea that will hurt the economy?

And considering all the Republican griping about tax cuts - what this about a "scaled-back version of Mr. Obama’s middle-class tax cut proposal"?


cookie_nut February 12 2009, 04:56:59 UTC
Basically $200 a person I think.

Like a family could get a maximum of $800 instead of $1000. I forgot what it was for individuals, but I know it was a $200 less.


sopardonme February 12 2009, 05:55:21 UTC
sooo off topic but your icon always makes me happy when i see it. toby&the west wing <3


molotov_lj February 12 2009, 04:55:41 UTC
Lol that picture is perfect. Good to see the Stimulus bill went through, wish the school construction stuff was in there since I know construction workers are really hurting right now.


rawbery79 February 12 2009, 05:07:31 UTC
Harkin: ILU.
Grassley: STFD and STFU.

Also, LOL at "Charles". He's Chuck everywhere.


(The comment has been removed)

mindrtist February 12 2009, 05:26:13 UTC
Me too. I think the states need more aid too, aid to give to cities that are laying off much needed workers. LIKE POLICE. I guess they can't figure out that crime gets worse in times like these.

Bleh, it's not "bold" enough as Mr. Pres would say.


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