Roundup of Obama / FDR comparison in the news

Nov 15, 2008 22:46

"Hope" is the mantra du jour regarding Obama's impending presidency. While some have compared Obama to Lincoln, the more profligate comparison is between BHO and FDR, both of whom came to leadership of the free world amidst dire financial meltdowns that threatened global economies and the systemic viability of the entire global economic system.

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history, new deal, former presidents

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Comments 55

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syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:26:18 UTC
Thanks; I am of the "hope for audacity" crowd that hopes Obama will indeed be as bold and aggressive as FDR! :)


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syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:39:38 UTC
Yeah, I agree...


missanemone November 16 2008, 09:35:58 UTC
i know we're jumping the gun with the lincoln/jfk/fdr comparisons, especially since the man hasn't even been inaugurated yet but i don't care. all the talk and fanfare makes me hope that he will live up to the expectations. and at the same time, if/as obama hears of them, that he'll try especially harder. not that he won't already.

plus, i'll take any of the fdr/other-cool-people comparisons 1000000000x more over the asinine hitler one.

so yeah, i appreciate this post very much.


syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:29:45 UTC
The hopes are so high; the guy must be feeling incredible pressure


missanemone November 16 2008, 15:30:48 UTC
oh heck yeah. if it was me, i would've been just "DO. NOT. WANT." and cried in the corner


hardcoresince3 November 16 2008, 23:48:14 UTC
I have faith in obama, but I don't want to compare him to FDR just yet.


kampfbaby November 16 2008, 10:25:45 UTC
i love that fdr photo.


syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:28:39 UTC
One of the very rare photos that depicts him disabled, I think there are are less than maybe 12 or so of him in his wheelchair in existence? FDR also appointed the 1st female to be head of a dept. of the executive. Not to mention all the anti-racist work his wife Eleanor did.


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syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:44:21 UTC
He did so much that its hard to digest. For one thing, he was a 4 term president For another, he did so much stuff during the Depression that that itself would swamp oneself so much as to make his involvement in the Allies' victory in WW2 seem like a whole other can of worms. He is he only president to bring the unemployment rate to 0%. Not to mention modernizing the US's infrastructure, rural electrification, dd away with Prohibition, introduced min wage laws, created the FDCI and SEC, etc., etc.


jwaneeta November 16 2008, 10:27:28 UTC
It would be nice if the artist thouht to include women in that mural.


syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:29:04 UTC
Excellent point


cire32 November 16 2008, 10:59:28 UTC
Woman don't fix problems! Men do! Women cook. Muahahah!


jwaneeta November 16 2008, 11:07:37 UTC
I'm just gonna leap on you for being a conservative, and have done with it. So nobody else has to.

*nuzzles your sexy conservative neck* Let's be friends? Rebuild the nation? Redheads do it for me. :)


hinoema November 16 2008, 10:41:54 UTC
I definitely agree with the need to rebuild and improve the nation's infrastructure. We need to rebuild this country from the ground up, from better bridges to better educated and healthier people. All the defense in the world won't be worth much if the place falls apart.


syndicalist November 16 2008, 10:49:43 UTC
It is also a way to create jobs that cannot be offshored to other countries, since they'd be tied to fixed assets in the US :)


hinoema November 16 2008, 12:03:25 UTC
Exactly. The structural, intellectual and cultural renovation of America could potentially be a huge project. :)


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