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Comments 12

talklikelions April 5 2020, 03:02:41 UTC

That photo of Jared makes me want to scream.

All of this makes me want to scream, but something about that photo just makes me see red

Thanks for the puppy pic OP


soleiltropiques April 5 2020, 05:14:43 UTC
*hugs* I hope you and yours stay healthy and safe.

And puppy pics are just SO much nicer to look at... :-D

... )


musiquephan April 5 2020, 11:09:06 UTC
Thank you for sharing. This was such a well-articulated article.


soleiltropiques April 6 2020, 00:12:54 UTC
Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed the article. :)

Best wishes to you and your family in this difficult time...


hindustar April 5 2020, 13:16:11 UTC
Thanks for this article. I hope we all stay safe and healthy despite the odds.

No amount of science and good sense is going to save us. People in my neighborhood still congregate to socialize at the local convenience stores and taco trucks. Neighbors are having parties and cookouts. Teens are tearing down barriers to play basketball at the park.

Because of his attitude from the start, he set the tone for stupidity to reign. I'm worried to death my mom is going to die because of blatant stupidity.

She was supposed to have open heart surgery and they put it off. Now she runs the risk of having a heart attack with no beds available.

And stupid people only care about how effing bored they are.

I'm in a state that has issued a shutdown and stay at home order.


soleiltropiques April 6 2020, 00:23:31 UTC
It's awful that so many people don't get how important this is. I honestly think the only way to get some people to respect these kinds of measures is having some punitive measures in place (e.g., $$ fines). It doesn't say good things about humanity that so many just don't get it unless this happens though.

*hugs* I hope and pray (=I'm not religious, but I figure it can't hurt) your mother will be all right.


hindustar April 7 2020, 02:07:32 UTC
Thank you! I am not religious either but I never turn down good thoughts of any kind.

I agree. unless there is some punitive recourse some people would never act decent.


mickeym April 7 2020, 03:54:09 UTC
Sending positive thoughts your mother's way. *hugs*


mickeym April 7 2020, 04:02:39 UTC
I really want to slam Trump's stupid face into whatever flat surface happens to be handy. Repeatedly. Then I want to toss him into a room filled with COVID-19 ( ... )


hindustar April 7 2020, 04:13:58 UTC
I hope you and your family make it through this! Wishing you all good health!


soleiltropiques April 11 2020, 01:05:46 UTC
This is so awful.

I fervently wish you and your family the best. (Prayer/thoughts your way as well.)



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