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mickeym April 7 2020, 04:02:39 UTC
I really want to slam Trump's stupid face into whatever flat surface happens to be handy. Repeatedly. Then I want to toss him into a room filled with COVID-19.

I have asthma, and diabetes. I also have a BMI over 40. I ride with my son when he goes to Walmart, but I don't get out of the car. Even if anywhere else was still open, I wouldn't go inside. I can't risk it. My son is on the spectrum, and I don't have any doubt that he would fall apart if something happened to me. So for both our sakes, I'm not taking any chances.

My mom is a breast cancer survivor, but she still takes the "chemo pill"; it's a five year treatment, and she has about 12 months to go. She's also 76,and has COPD. And now my step-dad -- who is 85 -- has cancer. Merkle-something or other. He's had the initial stuff surgically removed, and then had radiation treatment, but it's spread twice now, this 2nd time moving into his lymph nodes. They're out in California.

There are so many things I dislike about Trump, but if this ends up costing my life, or that of anyone I love, I will go to my grave hating him. And I seldom use that word, and never lightly.


hindustar April 7 2020, 04:13:58 UTC
I hope you and your family make it through this! Wishing you all good health!


soleiltropiques April 11 2020, 01:05:46 UTC
This is so awful.

I fervently wish you and your family the best. (Prayer/thoughts your way as well.)



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