Ukraine election: early results indicate big win for president's party

Jul 23, 2019 19:45

Volodymyr Zelenskiy expected to command outright majority with 42% of the vote

Ukraine’s comedian-turned-president is on course for full domination of the country’s political scene after results from Sunday’s parliamentary elections indicated his newly founded Servant of the People party would win a majority of seats.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a ( Read more... )

ukraine, elections

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Comments 4

ekramarenko July 23 2019, 18:47:32 UTC
about one hundred of those elected new people don't have a college degree of any kind, quite a few of them only have a secondary school certificate. It was a major informational psy-op which ended in taking over the political power by anti-Ukrainian people. The former president P.Poroshenko was extensively criticised by the media for a few years in a row, lots of fake news flooded the internet (like he killed his own brother). The information policy was a disaster :( we know that Russia made attempts to meddle with USA elections, so no wonder it did the same to my country. We are highly likely to become a sad textbook example for the political science students in the future.


hobbits_friend July 26 2019, 19:52:06 UTC
That sounds very bad!


shortskviz August 13 2019, 07:19:45 UTC
Srsly? Russia is the one to blame that you had voted into the office comics and people without a college degree?


i_llbedammned July 23 2019, 18:54:30 UTC
This is fascinating on a global trend.


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