Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Jun 27, 2017 14:05

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country ( Read more... )

elizabeth warren, congress, health care, aww yiss, democrats

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Comments 42

hikerpoet June 28 2017, 12:25:52 UTC
Sometimes if one person speaks up...

This reminds me that people should be aware that Warren is far from secure here in MA. Remember we firmly lean blue but tend to have Republican governors... I run across too many people who claim to lean left but still get rubbed the wrong way by her and dislike her because she is "angry and arrogant" (because women can't ever get mad, right? *eyeroll*). I mean, there are valid reasons to be critical, as we've discussed in here, but she'll be better than the options from the right. Her likely main competition is already having large near-daily events, and is completely non-threatening demeanor-wise, which could work for or against him.
If you want her to stay in Congress, consider giving support, even if just verbal.


mhfromnh June 28 2017, 14:41:43 UTC
I'm down to help. I have to keep NH blue, but I could spare a bit of time.


hikerpoet June 28 2017, 14:53:39 UTC
Here's hoping LJ stays active enough we're able to share updates here...

I feel like even word of mouth helps! You probably have a pulse on the situation with your proximity but I feel like progressives in the rest of the country are like, "MA is safe" when it may not be as much as one thinks. Keeping up the awareness and conversations can be impactful, too, especially at this earlier stage.


mhfromnh June 28 2017, 15:02:48 UTC
I have family in Salisbury and the Berkshires, and there are way more republicans in Mass than people realize.


namey June 28 2017, 14:26:28 UTC
Source link doesn't seem legit.


moonshaz June 28 2017, 22:35:18 UTC
Eeek---I don't know what happened, but I think I fixed it. Hope it works for everyone now!


pairatime June 28 2017, 15:21:48 UTC
while the DNC will do whatever it's members decide if they decided to go down that road I will no longer be able to say I lean Democrat if they go that far left.


liliaeth June 28 2017, 16:10:25 UTC

You really have no idea what far left means, if you think single payer is far left.

My sister lives in England. She can't stop talking about how awesome the NHS is.


pairatime June 28 2017, 18:24:09 UTC
You really have no idea what far left means, if you think single payer is far left.

Nationalization of a industry is far left.

My sister lives in England. She can't stop talking about how awesome the NHS is.



liliaeth June 28 2017, 19:04:24 UTC
No buddy, making it so that everyone has access to an essential service and making it so that corporations can't make profit of people's misery is just common sense ( ... )


icetypejim June 28 2017, 16:49:38 UTC
Honestly, DNC reluctance to support a measure that the majority of constituents are already favorable towards is just the latest in a long line of embarrassments. But then they'll be confused and mad when they don't have jobs in 2018.


moonshaz June 29 2017, 00:52:43 UTC

"Honestly, DNC reluctance to support a measure that the majority of constituents are already favorable towardsis just the latest in a long line of embarrassments."

Do you mean the majority of Democrats or the majority of the electorate as a whole? Just wondering, because I haven't seen any recent figures on this. I can easily agree that the majority of Democrats, progressives, basically everyone who is AT ALL left-leaning, are in that camp at this point, but I'm less sure about everybody else, lol.

I definitely see the tide turning, and I hope we really are at a point where single payer can become a reality sooner rather than later. The sooner, the better!


icetypejim June 29 2017, 15:47:52 UTC
The majority of Americans when polled think it's the governments job to provide healthcare and single payer is increasingly popular among Americans generally and largely already favored by Democrats specifically. Basically, we're being told by folks within the DNC that this is some radical socialist outlier of a healthcare option that they can't push for even though the majority of their own base wants it and many independents and third-party folks also are on board with it. This is as out of touch as in 2016 when people all across the country were making strides fighting for a $15 minimum wage and the democratic candidate at the time was going "how about $12?"


moonshaz June 29 2017, 22:24:38 UTC

Thanks for the info!


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