Still Not an Activist

May 13, 2017 12:27

Hillary Clinton is rebranding herself as an activist. Don't be fooled.

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activism, hillary clinton

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Comments 21

postynotedreams May 14 2017, 06:32:15 UTC
So ONTD-P is posting dodgy "news" sites now? Mmmkay.. Bye-bye now.


moonshaz May 14 2017, 08:19:06 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that kind of reaction to this post, lol!

The article annoyed me so much that part of me was tempted to post something really snarky, and another part of me was trying to talk myself out of it, because I wasn't sure I felt like dealing with the possible repercussions. Then I came in here, saw this comment, and felt so much better.

I went to the site, glanced around, and what I saw didn't make me feel at home. Then I did some research and now I know why.. Anything that calls itself "Breitbart for the left" automatically triggers my side eye reflex, lol.


omimouse May 14 2017, 08:36:26 UTC
Anything that calls itself "Breitbart for the left" automatically triggers my side eye reflex, lol.

. . . they *chose* to compare themselves to a site that is infamous for just making shit up? Fucking christ, can we please not repeat that part of 2016?


moonshaz May 15 2017, 02:15:02 UTC

This is what I was talking about. I'll admit I didn't read the whole thing, but what I did read caused me to emit many wtfs, lol.


omimouse May 14 2017, 08:33:51 UTC
There were complaints that she didn't throw herself right into the fight after the election, and now she's getting flak over getting involved. This horse is officially dead; she's been raked over the coals more than both Bushes *combined* by now.

Can we please just take the fucking help fighting Trump? Especially when said help comes with coffers, 'cause I don't know if anyone noticed this, but several years of constant legal battles and trying to get as many Republicans out of office as possible is *not* going to come cheap. (And what the hell is with the shots at her being active on social media? That's traditionally how one reaches out to the younger age bracket, and I seem to recall a lot of anger over her not doing that, so what the fuck?)

Put another way - I am literally wondering if I'll see the signs in time to run before I'm dragged out into the street and shot. From that perspective, this entire article is just as elitist and out of touch as any Democratic party elite.


mhfromnh May 14 2017, 13:29:29 UTC
this this this this THIS


liliaeth May 14 2017, 19:09:02 UTC
Also, this acts as if Hillary hasn't been an activist since even before she met Bill...


maynardsong May 14 2017, 19:59:30 UTC


rainbows_ May 14 2017, 20:53:02 UTC
Despite claiming the banner of “the resistance,” it’s these neoliberal cronies who enable Trump. They lend their services to the same politicians who created the socioeconomic environment that birthed Trump. They move in elite Beltway social circles, only interacting with working-class people during photo ops. They’re incapable of stanching the bleeding from the wounds inflicted by the Trump administration and its congressional allies.

Clinton’s resistance is anti-democratic: it’s about giving millions of dollars to other people who already have millions of dollars, all because they hobnob together at the same cocktail parties and adhere to the same arbitrary norms of civility.

Clinton can call her new money-funneling scheme and Twitter wars “activism” if she wants, but none of us should expect anything different from what we saw during the 2016 campaign. Democratic Party elites and their rich donor flunkies have nothing to offer a resistance with teeth: they’re the enemies, still.Yes, I think especially now, it's super important to ( ... )


blackjedii May 14 2017, 22:47:24 UTC
Let us make a list of "progressive" cable news companies and websites and "left" voices that aren't making tons of additional revenues in the Trump years.

I'll start.


ok you're turn


moonshaz May 15 2017, 02:28:57 UTC

"Despite claiming the banner of 'the resistance,' it's these neoliberal cronies who entitle Trump."

... )


rainbows_ May 16 2017, 00:46:37 UTC

Here are some groups you can donate to instead of Hillary Clinton's unnecessary PAC
- VICE (@VICE) May 5, 2017

Democratic Socialists of America ( ... )


moonshaz May 16 2017, 08:42:18 UTC

I don't know about anyone else, but I like to donste to the Southern Povery Law Center (, because I honestly don't know anybody who's doing more to combat hate, and I like that they go after all forms of it, including racism, homophobia and transphobia, antisemitism and islamophobia, you name it. It's not a political pac, of course, but they do great work on a lot of issures that I believe to be very important.

I also like Emily's List (, which supports pro-choice Democratic women who are running for office, because reproductive rights are very high on my list of priorities, as well as getting more women into congress, etc.

I'm going to look into Hillary's PAC a little more. I don't agree with calling it "unnecessary." In a sense, a lot of PACS probably fit that description, but I don't tend to automatically equate "not vitally necessary" with "totally useless," lol. And I'm happy to have her join the resistsnce! The more, the merrier, imo.


rainbows_ May 16 2017, 19:16:13 UTC

Fierce attack by Campaign Legal Center on Hillary Clinton's new PAC for "dangerous" lack of transparency from donors (cc: @cliomiso)
- Jeff Stein (@JStein_Vox) May 16, 2017

Clinton's think tank stays classy by refusing to invite America's most popular progressive lawmaker to its event
- David Sirota (@davidsirota) May 16, 2017


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